Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Well, there’s an hour of my life I’ll never get back.


I’m surprised that he’s not wearing a white tank top.


People are lovely in Europe. Americans could learn a few things from them! We haven’t run across a single other American in Spain in six days. :slightly_smiling_face:


Well, to follow on to this post, I sadly report here that my FIL passed away last week, less than a year after being put into a memory care facility. It was technically due to Alzheimer’s, but practically due to another event. Unfortunately, I can’t say more though I wish I could as the experience could be valuable to someone else. It was a very rough night, my first watching someone pass after having a breathing tube pulled. If that experience doesn’t make me a grown-up, nothing will.

A very good and hardworking man. Marks a milestone for me.


Why do so many people who are in charge of our most vulnerable people not want to be responsible for doing their jobs? And why are so many others willing to cave and not hold those same people being paid to do the work responsible?


Mick Jagger, who I listened to as a child, is 80 years old today. Bruce Springsteen, who I listened to as a teenager, is in his 70s. Both still going strong, God love 'em.

But…sigh…I guess I should stop thinking of myself as “middle aged”…unless I manage to live into my 120s.


One of the benefits of my new insurance plan is a ‘welcome’ package. My insurance person said it would have some OTC medications and other things to stock a medicine cabinet.

It arrived today. It contained a toothbrush, a travel sized tube of toothpaste, a covid test kit, and a box of band-aids. Not worth the postage (delivered by UPS)

Rest in Power


3 dogs greeted me on this morning’s walk - a big Newfie romping on the Quad; my friend Finn, a Brittany; and a big chocolate Lab. One of the benefits of a walk - petting all the dogs!


The idea that the two of you are gonna take care of her by checking in a couple times a week and bringing her takeout is horrifying, but if this week has taught me anything, it’s that my opinion is never going to win the day. Good luck to the three of you. She’s worried we’ll fight/fracture over details and meanwhile treats me like a punching bag while you watch – I think that’s the fracture point, but none of you seem to believe me walking away is possible.

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If you have no answer to the question asked, why respond at all? And that too, with a snarky response? You might never want to do this, but someone else obviously does and has asked for help.


A while ago, we talked about pineapples here in the Cafe… :wink: my oh my, what a fascinating bit of history!


Really ? After losing his youngest daughter a few months ago now he’s getting laid off?? After getting laid off from two other jobs in the the last four years, now he is getting laid off again?

He just shouldn’t have to cope with this when he is still moving through heavy grief. I just feel so awful for him.

Food-choice-shaming and exercise-shaming other people is never a good look, IMHO - no matter how right you think (know?!) you are and how much you want to evangelize about health and fitness. It gets old, dude. And probably doesn’t have the positive impact you hope it will.


I hate when the package of blueberries have no flavor.


It’s easy to fall in love with schools with low acceptance rates. I wish parents of high stats kids, (actually of all students) would start the college search process by visiting schools with higher acceptance rates. :disappointed:


PAC 12. I’m a bit worried about you.


What part of print everything you need before you go to the MVA did you not understand. I know getting your car stuff dealt with has been a total PIA, but this one falls squarely on your shoulders. Sorry you now have to go stand in line, but “I told you so.”


I truly wish every American could go on the two day guided tour of Normandy we’re on. I think it might eliminate a lot of whining. So many sacrifices were made. To see the places where thousands of young people died is sobering beyond words. I found myself on the verge of tears more than once today.

9 1/2 hours of tour today and another 9 1/2 tomorrow. I will be toast!


Next week is another of our “vacations.” They are all the same: A long trip to sit in a room every day alternating listening to the same stories over & over and watching my MIL sleep. It’s really important that we do it. I just sometimes wish we could have a fun trip somewhere. But I will ONLY say that in the safety of this thread. I just feel better having gotten it off my chest.