Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

So heartbreaking to hear it all.

I just had a four-hour talk with my DIL about all kinds of things and as we finally stood up to go to bed she gave me a big hug and said, “I love talking to you.” That makes me SOOO happy. I had a fraught relationship with my MIL so to feel like my DIL genuinely likes me is such a relief. I never want to create any tension in their marriage, like my MIL did. Plus, she talked and talked about wanting to have kids so I might be a grandmother one day after all!!!


Finally broke down and bought a 3rd car since we have 3 drivers in the house. Feel like I need to brag somewhere because we managed to fit all 3 cars in our 3-car tandem garage. Now if I could just get my DH to be willing to get rid of the “COVID wood” in the garage that he bought at the start of the pandemic
for all of the stuff he was going to build
yeah, that went nowhere! then we’ll be golden. LOL.


Well, that was fast. Just a minute after I typed out my plan about having a day to do whatever I wanted tomorrow, I found out it’s likely not going to happen. I just want one day. All by myself. To do whatever I want for me. To not have to talk to anyone, or do anything for someone else. Just one day. I’ve been retired for two years, why is this seemingly impossible?


I am really worried about our planet.


Southwest Airlines suck.


Why are people going hiking when it is 115 degrees out?


Temps here are finally in the low 60’s and will go into the high 70’s with way less humidity. Perfect!


Long walks and dates away from the house are my friend when we have certain visitors. Sorry makes you feel better, but it doesn’t usually fix what’s messed up.


Totally obsessed and it’s obvious. Move on already!!!


I am replying to my own post, hope that’s ok.
We are going to have a wedding in the near future. The BF took me out to get my blessing for their marriage. I can’t formally let people know yet because he is going to have to propose first. I am very happy for them, but of course I am already stressing about how we are going to make it happen in a year.


I did it! I convinced my husband to go on that long hike today that he’d cancelled, and had my day alone. No conversation, not doing anything for other people, just went around the town and did all the things that I wanted to do. It was wonderful! I recommend that everyone do this every now and then.


Breathe in, breathe out, it’s not your business. Why do we continue to want life to be all roses and butterflies for the kids? Everyone has to learn their own lessons. All will be well.


Miss you, cute little Twitter bird! :bird:

Not really into the macho “X” thing


I finally found a Medicare broker who explained things that I wanted to have explained. I did a ton of research, but I just wasn’t sure that what I thought was best, actually was. I needed someone I trusted to give their opinion. Looks like H will be set with his Medicare soon 
 looking forward to paying less for healthcare going forward.


RIP Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman), 70.


No. You do not need a tv in your college bedroom. You can watch content on your laptop like every other college student.

And why is it my job to buy a tv for the living room for a house of 7 kids? We are furnishing the couch, coffee table, kitchen table, and chairs. Let someone else buy it. I don’t care that someone is bringing an air fryer or a blender and you are not. Last I knew, I was also supplying dishes because someone else is only bringing 4 sets. Let someone else figure it out.

(And oh yeah, I paid for a parking spot for you in the neighboring lot. The roommates are parking for free in your lot. Use that equivalent money to buy a tv).


Got to love the set up for the bridal shower gift.

Just Venmo the bride her cash!

I am officially old


Quality control is dead!