Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Three strikes and you’re out…. :grimacing:


I have never ever received an item that I ordered online which was so severely damaged. Wood cabinet is cracked in several places, leg is broken so it won’t even stand up properly, and doors are misaligned. What a complete mess. It kills me that I had to lug this 60 lb. box and unpack it to discover this disaster.


Dagnabbit trash pandas!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Stay out of my fig tree!!! :rage: You broke so many branches just to gnaw on a couple of figs!


Please stop taking unimportant phone calls in the middle of dinner!!!


After I walked out of the grocery store, I started thinking my bill was pretty low, checked the receipt and realized they hadn’t charged me for six bottles of wine. I went back to the checkout line and told the cashier. He was freaked out that I came back and then everything started getting uncomfortable. He finally rang me up, but somehow the system didn’t give me my 20% discount for Washington wine (special of the week). He asked me, was I sure, how did I know how long the special was for, did I have a coupon, on and on. And good grief, I’ve been shopping there for 16 years, it’s supposed to ring up automatically, but occasionally it doesn’t and then they refund me cash. The line is building up, people are listening and waiting, weighing in on my side, and it’s so uncomfortable and embarrassing.

Finally I say, I don’t want to delay others in line and I’ll come back later. The end of the story is that I must have disrupted the time/space continuum and I almost wish I didn’t go back and just accepted the free wine. Trying to do the right thing lost me a discount of $14. Maybe karma will be on my side and help me win the lottery tonight?


Dear local newspaper: You make it REALLY hard to justify being a customer. Your service has been terrible throughout the years. I was a loyal hard copy subscriber for 20 years, until I had an issue and spent forever just in a phone loop and unable to get to a person. I finally was able to leave a voicemail somewhere and sent several emails asking to be contacted. If I didn’t hear back, they would lose a 20 year customer. I heard nothing and cancelled.

Several years later, I thought I’d do the online version to support my local economy . They had an intro office $1 for 13 weeks. Then I get a letter in the mail saying my price was going up to $XX. But, it never said what the duration was. Monthly, 3 months, 6 months? Nowhere on the account info or website does it say. After spending forever trying to get a live body, I cancelled again.

Some months later, I felt bad and wanted to support my paper. Did the intro again. Then it went up to $60. This time, I was able to get a live body quickly and was told that was 6 months. OK. 6 months later my bill went up to $135 - no warning, no notice. Ugh. I was irritated enough to cancel and put it on my calendar. But then they wrote a nice blurb about younger S, and I thought I’d stick with it.

My new price? $175 for 6 months! Again, no warning, no nothing. And, it’s no longer even a daily online paper. it’s 3x week! They have maybe 1-2 local articles per issue and the rest is regurgitated national stuff. I call to complain again. This time I get a foreign worker who is hard to understand. She says she can’t refund my $$$ and cancel, but will refund me the price increase difference. OK that is fine (until I can cancel in 6 months!)

It’s been a week and I’ve yet to be refunded. I call again. They say it will take 3-4 WEEKS to refund my credit card. What the heck? Yes, I am just done with you guys. Sorry.


Ah, the joy felt when you receive that magical text : You’ve been upgraded on your upcoming flight.


You are beginning to go through dementia. You are my husband, and I love you. I never thought you’d be the one.


Oh, PAC12, how I’ll miss you. From the days of the PAC6 to the 8, 10, 12, and now…to nothing.

The autopsy will be brutal. The fallout immeasurable.

Will we end up the poor west coast stepchildren of the Big whatever? The SEC? The ACC (snort)? Gag.

The greatest setting in college football is still the greatest setting, but something’s gone.


They’re going, no they’re staying. The other guys might be going or not. Drama, drama, drama.

Just. Let. It. Go!!!

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It’s come to this.

I never thought I’d need to add this to the dress code for those who work in a warehouse. Along with you must wear close-toed shoes.

I really didn’t think I would need to specify: No strapless dresses.

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I hate Las Vegas. It’s ugly and depressing. I’d rather go to the dentist than spend another weekend in Vegas.


Coming home from the gym this morning, I was surprised to see a 1/2 mile long backup on the road I take to turn left onto my street. So I cut through a park and my street was similarly backed up. I had to get the drivers to shift so I could get out of the park and then later into my driveway. Just a long line sitting there as far as I could see past my house. Nobody seemed angry. No police, detours. No safety alerts. Just stopped traffic.

Finally figured it out. The police are giving away free food for 4 hours this morning. I’m located 1.5-2 miles from the station. Not to mention I’m sure it’s similarly backed up coming from other directions. Giving away free food always brings in the crowds here. But never like this. Just wow


Spur-of-the-moment flights booked to Maui for next month. Now comes the fun part - finding a place to stay. Hoping we can do that without any disagreements. For someone who has complained mightily about not traveling because of Covid, you are being surprisingly cheap!


Yes, it’s true that America has a two tiered system of justice. But don’t pretend it’s about which side of the political divide you’re on; it’s about money. The government is soft on rich and corporate criminals, and brutal on everyone else.


S had been taking classes in Kazakhstan for almost 8 weeks and returns home in a week.
Then fall semester in DC starts 8/24.

He called today….and dropped the bomb that he wants to study in Latvia in the spring.


I don’t know when I have ever been so totally disappointed and dismayed. I feel like I let everyone down even though they said it was a great week. I am absolutely floored with the chores you expected us to do upon checking out. How dare you after I spent a small fortune!


Simone Biles… :heart::heart::heart: you go girl!!! GOAT!!!