Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

This explains an awful lot!

Thank you, subdivision board, for establishing a separate Facebook group to publicize important information ā€¦ with comments going directly to PM. I had to stop looking at posts in the initial neighborhood group because I honestly donā€™t want to read the awful things my neighbors think itā€™s acceptable to say.

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LEO/EMT son had to take a mandatory 4 hour first aid class yesterday morning to certify him for on duty Narcan use. He has administered Narcan a lot as an EMT. Up until reporting for duty last night, he was never allowed to carry Narcan as an LEO. Well, last night he needed to address an overdose with Narcan. Heā€™d had it in his cruiser for less than 5 hours.


Please donā€™t move into that house with her. I donā€™t think I can convey how strongly I feel about this, but youā€™re an adult so Iā€™ll keep my mouth shut anyway.

History doesnā€™t care if you understand it any more than science does.


4 drivers, 3 cars. Iā€™m the one who has given up driving all summer. Can anyone even say thanks once? Just once? Guess Iā€™m just expected to make all the sacrificesā€¦


25+ years of ignoring your health. 25+ years of pretending you didnā€™t have diabetes. 25+ years of not going to a gynecologist for regular screenings. Never having a mammogram. Refusing a colonoscopy.

And nowā€¦at age 78, you have inoperable late stage uterine cancer.

This could have all been prevented if youā€™d just gone regularly to get your lady parts examined. But now, youā€™re in total agony, in the hospital on a morphine drip.

You didnā€™t tell anybody for weeks about your weird pain. Never said a word about how your abdomen was getting bigger but you didnā€™t know why. You never said a word about your repeated blood sugar crashes, where it plummeted to 22 one day. 22! Youā€™re lucky to even be alive right now.

And your repeated refusal to not put together any estate paperwork at all is going to mean that when you become non-responsive, they WILL be forced to continue to keep you alive, when we all know that you donā€™t want that.

My husband is mad. His sister is mad. I am mad. We are all very sad, too. The past 5 years of your life could have been better if youā€™d hadnā€™t been so stubborn. I hope your passing is quick and as pain free as possible. I hope you make the right choice this weekend and agree to a healthcare power of attorney.


I am so enjoying our cool, cloudy weather this week near the beach in San Diego. Iā€™m sure those who are visiting are not liking it, but my house is only 74 degrees and it is almost mid August. I know the heat will come later this month and last until October. I love not even having a fan on while I work today.


I am beyond sad that you are my state representative. Edited but still greatly disturbed by the situation at hand.


Princess ballerinas in their pink tutus are doing their little danceā€¦ so cute.

Med school boards today for DD. I am in no way religious, spiritual or superstitious but I confess that my arthritic fingers are crossed!


It is a major event weekend, and you closed the freeway?! Way to go, WashDOT. Not cool!! :rage:

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How can you make a large group of people make an informed decision when you donā€™t give all the options to the members of the group?


Not only did my dear daughter just take the final boards of medical school (results to come, arthritic fingers still crossed), but her brilliant fiancĆ©, a pilot for a major US airline, just completed his masterā€™s degree in public administration. I am bursting with pride.


Dear doctors office,
I sincerely resented filling out your endless form online. Way too much personal info online. I wish I could have just said NO, fill out in office. I will do that in the future with any new MD.
No wonder people get scammed. I am so furious at myself for not just stopping.

So I ordered the exact same brand, exact same style dress, same size but one in black and one white.
Couldnā€™t even zip up the white oneā€“just overall awkward everywhere (not just too small) and the black one fit great. Now wondering if I should just try reordering.

I saw a picture of you at the concert. I feel bad for you. It must be difficult to be in your 60ā€™s but want so badly to be in your 30ā€™s. You do you, but it comes across as a bit desperate to me.


Third dog bite I have heard of this month from someoneā€™s ā€œnice, she/he never bitesā€ dog at a brewery/outdoor restaurant! This time, it was my nephew who was the server at the table. The ā€œniceā€ dog ripped skin off his thigh.

I like dogs, but what is the deal with always having to bring your darn pet to these eating establishments?? That could easily have been a child and it wouldnā€™t have been the thigh but a face!!!


Thank goodness you finally signed a healthcare directive. Shame on you for putting your friend on it instead of your daughter.


Another encampment goes up in flames :fire: shutting down our major freeway.

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