Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

They are getting closer (right age this time) but Elvis, Elton John and now Billy Idol are NOT from Utah, didn’t win Dancing with the Stars.

I always thought of myself as pretty open minded, a centrist that leans left and try to keep up with what’s going on in the generations below me. However, lately, the older Boomer in me is coming out. I am completely exhausted from hearing the F word over and over and over in every single show I watch. If it is a Netflix or Hulu original, it is part of the required dialogue. I honestly don’t know anyone that talks like that. Do they just not talk that way around me because they think I’d be offended? I don’t think I’ve given them any reason to think that, but I don’t use the word unless it’s a rare emphasis/exclamation. Apparently, to the generations below me it is now an everyday, run of the mill adjective. Even if that is true, and it is no longer considered offensive - don’t grammar rules still apply and you don’t use the same word 3 times in the same sentence? I’ll stumble back to my rocking chair and my cats now. Oh, and “Get off my lawn!”


I’m being plagued by pop-up ads here and nowhere else. Some cover the bottom quarter of the page. It’s absurd how such a little thing can lead to an over the top reaction but I feel as if my BP meds need to be doubled.


After 3 years, I finally have covid. In the ER hoping for Paxlovid because my doctor didn’t call me back after I waited 2 hours, and all area pharmacies are closed.

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You’re just a racist. Plain and simple.

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As the school year starts, I just want to say thanks to all the teachers out there. I know some make a fair amount of money, and some don’t make much at all, but they are all helping with our most precious resource, our children.

(Full disclosure, my kids are all out of college, so when I say “our” I mean it universally).


The US airline industry is a dumpster fire these days: high prices, crappy service and zero accountability.


You are a one trick pony….going back to the same well must be akin to a security blanket for you. No matter the question, comment or observation the answer is the same. Don’t you ever get bored…… because I sure do.

I could live to 100, and I will never understand how some people can go through life without thinking for themselves.


Therapy is so helpful!! :slight_smile:


You have gained so much weight, what’s going on?

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I really like getting fresh fruit at Costco. I really don’t like that when I go I usually wind up spending 100 bucks or more.


My black dress and white dress saga–short story same size, same style. Black one fit. White one was just…wrong. Reordered the white one – yea, it fits! But has a stain on it. Really? I now have 3 white dresses to return and still want the white one.

RIP Tokitae. Sad ending to a very sad story.

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Zomg. No wine - understandable. Prayer before dinner - knock yourself out. A shawl to cover my shoulders because it is a sin to wear a sundress? Sorry, I’m going home to grab one. Maybe. Maybe I’m going shopping for one. The mall is air conditioned and is open until 9.


Dm, Dm, D**m. Terrible, terrible news. I just received word that the cousin that I was closest to growing up has died–apparently of carbon monoxide poisoning. Her daughter found her and her husband. Her husband is in very serious condition in the hospital. I am just gutted. Her youngest brother died this spring of colon cancer. She was perfectly healthy. I was able to see her at a wedding and 50th anniversary party last month. I am just profoundly sad.

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What a Monday! Work re-org and layoffs!!! Still have my job, new boss but still here. Wine on a Monday.


Rough weekend for my folks. Hurricane, earthquake, and now Dad’s in the ER. Would love thoughts, prayers, and hugs.


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