Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Our world would be a better place if we practiced what we saw in “Barbie” and let the women run things. Knew it when I saw the movie and am reminded of it most every day recently.


You graduated from high school because mom, who homeschooled you said you were a HS graduate. You did not attend college. You homeschooled your own kids until you couldn’t take it any more. Just because the church school your kids now attend have hired you as a teacher, YOU ARE NOT A TEACHER!!! This highly insults myself and many many others who have bachelor and graduate degrees, have done teacher training programs, passed state exams, obtained teaching licenses, etc., to become professionally trained certified teachers!!!

Stop it and help out your family business. They need you. 70+ year old women cannot continue doing the work you should be doing for your family.


It’s not ALWAYS about money!!


Earlier today I thought it was Monday. Then I thought it was Wednesday. Why can’t I realize that it’s actually Tuesday?


Bustin’ with pride over my grown-up kid. He’s going back to his previous company with a huge raise (old boss wooed him). Current boss took him out to lunch today and said how sorry he was to lose him. I’m happy for the money but mainly proud of how he has handled himself, treating all parties honestly and keeping relationships open. He’s a mensch if I do say so.


They removed the bullet today. Sadly it won’t likely make a difference in the permanent condition, but maybe, just maybe, someone will run ballistics and find the $&@“?! lowlifes who did this to this innocent child.


Grrrr…I pre ordered the item and it said it would ship end of September. Cool. Now I get a notice that it has been shipped and will be delivered on Friday - both H and I are out of town. Dang!

Hopefully no “porch pirates” strike.

It took 16 DAYS for my cousin to receive a wedding invitation through the USPS :rage:! USPS also completed screwed up a critical express mail overnight package (I paid $70 for it) by delivering it to a completely different address 2 streets over from me :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:! And they keep fleecing the public for more money!

My MIL is currently fixated on a large universal life insurance policy that H & SIL are supposed to get when she dies. She’s calling it her big gift to them (although they will actually inherit quite a bit more from her investments). She wants to know how they will spend it, and she has been telling them what they “should” spend it on. Unfortunately, everything points to the policy having lapsed sometime in the past 30 years. Apparently, they thought it was “paid up,” but I think they were misled about how the policy worked. No one has the heart to tell her that the policy doesn’t exist anymore. It’s hard to pretend, but she would be crushed if she knew.


Don’t lie to me because I will find out. And kid, lying over stupid stuff will always catch up to you.


Why are people so excited to stop using cash? Everywhere I look I’m now being charged a 2-4% processing fee to use my credit card :rage:.


Well now I am getting my xfinity and twitter tabs confused. Wish they’d change the logo again!


The appropriate response to your unleashed dog jumping all over me and scratching my legs should at very minimum be “I am sorry” and leashing the dog immediately. Doing nothing is not an appropriate response!


My mom has been gone 15 years this week. My brother will probably change his FB profile pic to one of her (and it’s not one of her best, IMO, but I stay silent on that) and say something there about it. I generally move past with private thoughts and think that she is constantly in my heart.

Something about my move and all that starting over in a new community entails has made me appreciate her and all she did for our family even more. She was the second of 6 kids and their dad died early when she was 10 years old. She was valedictorian of her little country high school, but college wasn’t an option. She made her way in the career world prior to marriage and re-entering the workforce when my brother and I were about middle school age. When my horrible dad moved on from our family, she managed on a limited budget and encouraged us to be college graduates. I know she was proud that my brother and I both earned graduate degrees. She made her feminist views known and always told me I should be able to support myself if need be (and that need did arise). There was nothing about her that ever suggested that women weren’t just as capable as men.

She moved away from our hometown when I married to take a promotion in her state government job, but upon retirement she moved back. I couldn’t have managed without her (or at least not as well), since my exH was not exactly a hands on dad (although I credit him for contributing financially and showing up for at least a minimum of activities). My kids thought of my mom as more of a parent than their dad.

Now that I have grandkids, I appreciate her more than ever. Until her COPD slowed her down, she often traveled with us and she backed me up when someone had to stay with sick kids or kids had to be picked up while I was in a faculty meeting, etc. Before my D started school, she was the pick-up from half day preschool & kindergarten and my 36 yo daughter still sometimes talks about chicken noodle soup lunches and naps where they staked out different ends of the sofa for their heads. I only have one in-town grandchild now (soon to be 2 in a few weeks), but helping with the sweet 3 1/2 year old wears me out.

I hope I will be deserving of the “gone, but not forgotten” label when I have been gone from my family for this long.


Your dog is just a dog. Not a child. Not a person. Not the center of the universe. I am screaming in my head all day long – the hair, the smell, the fussing, the dietary restraint, the “anxiety disorder”…

…It’s a dog. a. Dog. Good grief almighty


Seriously, people? You’re romanticizing the relationship between a slave owner and his slave? I never cease to be amazed by and disappointed in people.

The deck is dead… long live the deck!


Our first born child is going through the college application process and had to fill out a letter of rec request form to turn in to 2 teachers at school who’ve agreed to write her letters of rec. One question on the form asks you to talk about something that is important to know about you, something that your teacher might not know about you yet.

My kid said that she’s kind and empathetic. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Feels today like I won a gold medal or something.


One of my siblings has two kids in college, one at a SHYMP and one at a WAS (or is it SAW?) school. I found out this morning that the sibling will pay 100% for two years or 50% for four years. :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: And it sounds like the SAW kid might be on the 100% for 2-years plan. How on earth are the young adults supposed to come up with the extra $$$ to pay for SHYMP and SAW?!?!?!? And how could an educated adult (SHYMP-educated at that) think this was a good idea for their progeny?!?!? :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

Another great winery is getting swallowed by a behemoth. Time to stock up on the wine while it is still good.