Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

The news features on the return to student loan payments make me mad. The majority of borrowers are not going to go into the poorhouse when repayment begins. If they don’t make a lot of money, they can get on an income based repayment plan. Their payment, which will qualify toward eventual forgiveness if necessary, might be as low as zero. Why aren’t the reporters focusing on this fact, and why aren’t they encouraging borrowers to get enrolled in income based repayment NOW if they can’t afford their payments??


Ugh, my BFF’s 58-year-old brother just asked his oncologist his chances of living past the first weekend in November since he’s getting a major teaching award from UT-Austin on the 3rd and his birthday is on the 4th. The doctor said he should make it. But I can’t even imagine. :cry: My friend is coming up for a visit this next week. I hope I can distract her a little.


You have the highest salary schedule for teachers in the region. You have among the smallest classes. Striking (illegal for public employees in your state, by the way) for an 8.9% raise now rather than accepting the proposed 11.6% over two years offered is not a good look.

And I was a teacher’s spouse for 33 years. I know when teachers are being screwed. You are not.

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Please make it end soon.

An article from the Washington Post (I gifted the link) about a woman who has terminal cancer at 49. I share her philosophy of enjoying life while I can.

Darn, so sorry about this news. You don’t deserve it and I wish you good luck going forward.

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You are good friends, but I wish you’d quit cancelling plans at the last minute.

So frustrating, I did what was required by the law. Abandoned my in ground oil tank, had it inspected and filled, and I have the proper documentation for it. Now buyers say it has to be removed instead. I followed the rules, but they changed them!

I swear the post office is rationing my mail: I receive exactly 5 response cards each day :thinking:.

May you lose every game forward.


Seems it would be better to actually read the thread before making the same point that multiple posters have already made.


Courtney Dauwalter is a simply amazing human. Conquering Hardrock, Western States, and now UTMB - all in one summer. Add to that - she always seems to be smiling and gracious to people. Simply amazing.

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Why oh why on our pool party day does the marine layer not only have clouds, but constant drizzle.

It’s Prime Time. Go CU. We Comin’!

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Took a hike this morning on the local trail a mother of five was killed on a few weeks ago. It was busy out there with a variety of people enjoying the great weather we are having. There were flowers laying here and there along the side which I though was nice. They also currently have police riding up and down the trail on a golf cart to provide a sense of security. I saw them four times in my two hours out there. I noticed that many more people than usual were being very friendly this morning, saying hello, smiling. I didn’t know what the mood on the trail would be but I was pleasantly surprised by the “feel”. The community is coming together and healing a bit I think.


You really are the Grim Reaper.

Our tennis thread died of old age, so I’ll say it here. It’s fabulous to see so many Americans doing well at the Open. Now we are getting to a point with some of the matches where I am for both players (Gauff v. Wozniacki today; Paul v. Shelton right now; Keys v. Pegula tomorrow, etc.) and some where I have a clear cut favorite like Fritz and Tiafoe; but then there continues to be the match where I would root for the devil rather than the favored player. Here’s to hoping somebody takes him out later today.


So after you came to our party, you thought to test because you had recently spent 45 minutes in the security line at O’Hare. Positive for COVID. Any reason you didn’t think of testing before coming to the party?!


Unless you carry a tribal membership card, you have no business to complain about foreigners taking over “your” land.


WHY when the clock strikes school time and barely the first of September do we need to start planning for “the holidays” ?

I hate this trend in society.

:jack_o_lantern: :turkey: :christmas_tree: