Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I called months early about a RX refill, knowing that they’d probably have to schedule me for a visit. My first clue that this was not going to be a pleasant interaction was the hold message, which lets us know that they have a staffing shortage. I was 14th in the queue, but that actually went pretty quickly. When I talk to a guy, I tell him that I still have a couple of months on my refill but wanted to get in early. He tells me that they are booked up through the year and that January dates aren’t open. When/how am I supposed to schedule a visit? Oh, I might be able to get something in December in another town. What? The ONE advantage of a giant specialty practice like this one is the increased odds of seeing someone in a timely manner. Next call is to my PCP to see whether he can handle this RX and then I can kiss this office goodbye.

After 20 years of the same meds,new doctor’s plan to switch you to something less toxic is so scary for all of us. Trying to be a brave mama. Thank you
for being a brave son. Remember all the things we taught you about health care and
prayers to the deity of choice that you
get thru this transition without incident or relapsing.


Oh for crying out loud. Gimme me a break. That’s the last time I volunteer to do something nice (well I thought it was pretty nice) like THAT. Sheesh.

When will you start wearing your hearing aids, or get new ones if you don’t like your ten yr. old ones? You couldn’t hear the warning beeps from the garage freezer when you walked past it half a dozen times today, so the door you left open was like that for hours. When I tracked down the sound I could hear in the pantry to the garage I found melted, soggy food and a big mess. This is not the first time your carelessness, inattention and refusal to wear your hearing aids has cost us quite a lot. I had to text you the minimum facts in order to not lose it by telling you in person.


I hope it’s okay to post about this thread, but I feel a need to say what a help it’s been. Thank you.

Venting here earlier enabled me to keep calm and not go off on H. He bagged all of the defrosted food and cleaned out the freezer, clearly feeling guilty. Then he made dinner, loaded the dishwasher, and now he’s vacuuming.

I’d like to think this incident might encourage H to look into new hearing aids but it’s doubtful. For now I’ll just appreciate that he’s doing all of the chores unasked.


Sorry, corporate America … AI chat bots are absolutely incapable of providing meaningful assistance to intelligent human beings. We can read your FAQ’s if there is something routine that we don’t understand. But if we actually need help, we need real, live, actual help. Please don’t just point us from one “helpful” link to the next, without giving us an option to chat with a human.


You’ve been trying for 5 yr to sell that sweatshirt on Facebook Marketplace. Just be like Elsa and let it go.


How dare you lie to me about this. Way to suck any joy out of the day

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I’m a cereal killer, @ChoatieMom! Shredded wheat, no blood. :smiley:


Honestly thought you would remember. My heart hurts.

Finally it’s beginning to change. Thank you for staying the course and never giving up!


Zoom with IT guy this morning about treatment plans in !!@#$%%$ new and (not) improved electronic health record (same old you know what in a pretty but harder-to-use box).


My mom would be so proud of my girls, and it sucks that cancer took her way too soon. She should be here for their graduations and next steps. A year later and it doesn’t get easier.

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When will people learn that it’s not cool or funny to post jokes and memes about asylums? Good grief. And it always surprises me the people that do it.

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That’s not even a little bit true. Stop spreading FUD.

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Wow. I called up our CPA to ask him a question and was told that he’d retired at the end of May. WTH? We used him for over 24 years and he didn’t call to tell us? Now I’m worried about him. What a shock.


Now is not the time to get Covid.


Reminder that this is a no reply thread. If you’d like to address something from a poster, please send a PM.

Thank you!


Who else is embarrassed to admit how much they edit (or don’t) their posts? :raising_hand_woman:


Two weekends ago, our power went out for a minute. We were lucky. Took 4 hours for the utility department to acknowledge there was a problem - a cut line by someone doing tree work - that knocked out power to 6000 people. Took several more hours to fix.

Last weekend we went out of town and came home to find we lost power for a few hours. No idea why that time. No wind, rain, excessive heat.

We out of town again this weekend and I just got a message from the cable company that our area is out of service. Yep - power is out again. At least this time there’s a storm.

I swear if we go a month without our power going out, it’s a good month.