Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)


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American women (and one in particular): Thank you so much for being world leaders in tennis.

American men: C’mon guys…more than 20 years since winning a tennis singles Grand Slam?

Congrats to Coco Gauff. You done great!


Don’t think I have ever seen a better women’s match. So happy with the results. I don’t think I can stomach watching tomorrow. Was really hoping Alcaraz could win it again if not an American.

BTW - not a reply to a previous post. Previous comment only showed to me as I posted.


My husband keeps saying that we need to be patient. He is not a fan of streaming athletic events.

I want to watch the tennis. I want to watch football.

Come on charter, give us back our ESPN!

For all the kids looking for college admissions advice, can you please use correct grammar? Or capitalize?


Thank goodness for fubo so we could watch the Texas-Alabama game. Sabin’s first double digit loss at home. :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face: Great game! I’m really happy for my dad who was involved with the Texas sports program for decades.


Oh poor kid - so sorry you got caught in the pouring rain and got drenched

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Let’s say it one more time for those in the back or who’ve come in late - “we” are not applying to college!! It’s your kid who’s applying. Use their pronouns - D24, S24 or C24 please.


Any recipe that contains Jello or Cool Whip should not be allowed to be called a salad. Especially when the salad contains both Jello, Cool Whip, sugar, celery, fruit, and mayo. :joy:


Every September I feel the dread of hearing about September 11 again. I hope the feelings would lessen, but it doesn’t. So many of us lost friends or colleagues we knew, or knew of people who narrowly escaped that day.


ARGH! A real apology isn’t “I’m sorry IF I hurt or offended you…” it’s “I’m sorry THAT I hurt or offended you.” Or even better: “I’m sorry. I hurt (or offended) you.” That IF is soooo dismissive.


The Jimmy Buffett music station has been playing non stop in my car. I hear old favorites and am becoming familiar with songs I never knew. So amazed at the depth of his talent and how much great music I am just now appreciating.


Sometimes, I hate that I’m such a political junkie, but today isn’t that day. I find this trial absolutely fascinating.


If you try and pack light, and fill your travel gear from home, it makes it easier to not buy souvenirs, for sure…


My girl Leah will be 15 in October. We’ve had here for 13 years. She’s had doggy dementia (ccd) for at least 2 years and we’ve really tried to give her the best life possible/ lots of camping vacations, walks, special food etc. But she is forgetting who we are more than she remembers and it is heartbreaking because she is afraid. I love her too much to let her suffer this way. I’m making the call to have her euthanized in our home later this week. I am devastated. My one son joked to text him a specific phrase when the time comes ( we find humor in most things) but obviously he was expecting to see her at Thanksgiving. It’s going to be a hard call to make.
ETA: tomorrow at 5pm.


Protecting the sanctity of women. Yeah, right.

You don’t get to claim that people are bullying you online when you yourself were the one who started it all in the first place. Online harassment and encouraging people to contact and bully people’s teenage kids online as well because you don’t agree with the clubs that the kids are participating in at school.

I hope your kid goes away to college far far away from you because you are nuts.


For the love of cheese, stop making it all about you!

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