Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

My mom told me yesterday that her iphone wasn’t working. She was getting calls, but couldn’t hear/speak to people. She also wasn’t getting any notifications any more.

I wasn’t with her, so I asked her if she had tried to turn it off and turn it back on. She said yes. I told her to go to an ATT store next day to get someone to take a look.

She texted me this morning to let me know that she has fixed the phone. I called her to find out how she fixed it. She was quite proud of herself. She said she just kept pushing on a button (the volume button), and all of sudden she was able to hear sound. I guess she had accidentally muted her phone.

I can’t really make up this crap.


The loss of life in Libya is just heartbreaking.


When you were third grade the doctors said you need to understand he will likely not leave the hospital and I said but school and the kind doctor just waited for me to get there while his resident sat in the far corner and looked like he wanted to become a lawyer instead and upstairs the doctor said you cannot cry get yourself together first and we came home and you were here in our arms and then at school and then in marching band and there were many meds and technology class and applied to colleges and met that nice girl in Spanish that summer and still meds and she was perfect and you got a job and an apartment and a wife and now a house and now new meds but today you are 30 because you lived. You lived. Blessings to you, and live.


Alright docs enough of words over a chart message system and prescribing random meds treatment - please see my D in PERSON to help her with these hives she has had for nearly a month!


The mother outlaw continues to deteriorate with dementia, but at least she seems happy. She is lucky in that she has family to look out for her (we moved to MI to be five minutes from her) and she has the resources to be in a good care facility. What happens to people who A. don’t have resources, and/or B. don’t have family that is willing or able to care for them? Sadly, we know of elderly people whose health is failing and their kids never help, never check on them, and generally don’t care.


Thank goodness it finally happened. Now, move on.


Surprise, surprise. The fact that executives received 40% pay raises did not go unnoticed.


“Limited” income families/students better than “low” income. Definitely not “poor”


Mom’s been dead for SIX years (almost to the day). Last week we got a letter in the mail trying to buy her old property, that we sold three years ago (before we moved to this address). And today we got a CHEWY ad. … We have moved since she died and we sold everything. HOW DID SHE GET ON AD lists to THIS ADDRESS?
I could just toss it, but DH hated Mom and raises a big fuss to think that she is still getting her cooties on him. ugh. I hate advertisers.
Hoping the two tricks of Deceased do not mail list and Deceased, Return to Sender somehow get it stopped before it gets out of control. … SIX years PEOPLE, SIX!

You are despicable. I get that it’s your job, but just ewwwww.


No! Columbia isn’t “a lot easier to get into this year because it’s no longer a T10”! Please stop misleading your kid and her friends.


Oh, my dear friend, my heart breaks for you. Your little brother succumbed to pancreatic cancer faster than expected. You’ve lost your father, mother, and only sibling in a little over three years. So unfair. :frowning:

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We had a meeting with my 10 year old son’s service providers and school districts today. Everyone said that the things we’re doing at home to manage his behavior and keep him safe aren’t sustainable and it is time for him to go into a residential placement.

I feel like a failure, but also relieved because things can’t keeping going on like they are now, and guilty that I’m relieved. And so, so sad because I love the sweet little boy he is (even when he is unmanageable) and I’m going to miss the dozens of hugs he gives me every day and seeing his sweet smile every day, and I want him to know that even though I can’t take care of him every day I love him more than anything. :broken_heart:


Why do so many very smart people fall for those various “copy/paste” Facebook hoaxes? No they aren’t charging a fee, no you can’t “prohibit” them from using what you’ve posted on their site by saying so in a post, and no they don’t limit your feed to 25 people.


I can’t begin to say what a relief it is not to have to deal with that circus all the time.

Hate the divorce, don’t hate the chaos that is my former sister in law.


Quoting Mr. B (after he had a nice brewski and some dumplings at a pub by the Lenin in Fremont):

“We’ve got plenty of socialism here in Seattle. Even a local Lenin.”



I just rented an apartment with yelling and possible violence above me. It is an old house and I hear everything. It has kept me up until 3 or 4 am some nights. I need to leave. I have since determined landlord knew there were problems before renting to me. They are charging me $5,200 lease termination fee, if it is not rented at the time I leave (11/1). I am so sick of rental problems.

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Just learned that you invited your family to dinner here on an evening after we will babysit for 7+ hours, again. Under the circumstances, we couldn’t refuse or we’d likely be shut out of seeing the GDs at least until your H wants us to babysit. I’m getting too old for this nonsense.

Here I was thinking home buyers were foregoing inspections. The people buying our home did a tank scan on the property, a radon test, spent over 3 hours with an inspector checking everything in the house, are doing a sewer scope, and now want the inspector to come back again to check the attic (not sure why he didn’t do that in the original 3+ hours).


:exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: GC KUSS :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: