Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Seattle people, you crack me up. We just went to a Mariners/Dodgers baseball game in Seattle, and had great seats behind home plate. There was a Dodgers fan right in front of us who was absolutely obnoxious. When a Mariners player struck out or a Dodgers player made a run, he would turn around to the crowd, yell, beat his chest and go completely nuts. His family was totally ignoring him. It was really bizarre, rude, and over the top. Thinking he would have gotten his butt kicked at other stadiums, but Seattle people are polite.

Well. Finally a lady a few rows away had enough, and she yelled, ā€œWhat about your school system?ā€at him. He had no idea that she was trying to insult him, and we just had to laugh. Boy, you got him there!:rofl:


To the person next to me in synagogue during Rosh Hashanah - yes I agree that the sermon was underwhelming, but taking out your phone and texting was tacky. If you are going to be texting on the holiday, leave the shul!


Oh never mind

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I ordered a week ago and everything is still ā€œin processā€. Youā€™re showing delivery between today and Thursday. Obvs not today. We leave for Hawaii in a week; I need swimsuits. I guess Iā€™ve gotten used to delivery within a week from anyone and everyone.

Just a whiny issue, but now that 60 Minutes is back with a new season, Iā€™m reminded that it annoys me greatly when football runs long and my dvr only catches part of 60 Minutes or any other CBS Sunday night show. Not sure why Xfinity canā€™t use some sort of AI to ā€œfixā€ this.


I wish I could fix your knees for you. I wish you could ride your bike as much as youā€™d like. I know you love it, and now your wife is loving riding, but you canā€™t join her. Hopefully another doc will have another idea that actually works better than the 3 surgeries youā€™ve had.


When is it ever a good idea to put minnows, fish guts, and screws down a kitchen drain in an apartment building?

Would be nice if people spent some time reading through a thread instead of just repeating what others have already posted.


Your son is 12 and has never been told no. Never been taught how to make a hard decision when you have limited resources and canā€™t pick everything that you want. Good grief.

We buy clothes so we can wear them. Why would you buy clothes never to wear them?


12 days Iā€™ve been waiting for a shipment status. Lands End, Iā€™ll never order from you again. If my order is still in process, and hasnā€™t shipped due to ā€œwarehouse systems,ā€ you should be able to cancel it. As it is, Iā€™ll have to hit the mall and try to find swimsuits for my trip next week. Now I have to worry about someone being available to pick up a package while Iā€™m gone. Assuming what I ordered will even be shipped. :rage:


Delete! Posting error

One of THE biggest events in your nieceā€™s life is coming up at the end of this school year. You say that family is important to you. But then you bluntly declare that you just donā€™t take your kids out of school for ANYTHING, even a graduation ceremony. No apologies. No ā€œI feel so bad that weā€™re going to miss it.ā€ And you tell me this literally the day after you took your kids out of school for the day to take them to a theme park.

Now I know where we are on your priority list.

When it comes time for your 2 kids to graduate from high school, DH & I will be there. Not for your benefit, but to support your kidsā€™ accomplishments. Because thatā€™s what youā€™re supposed to do.

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There is something about September, cool mornings & warm afternoons, that takes me back to my youth. So much nostalgia at this time of year compared to any other season.


You are really nosey. And you may think you donā€™t look judgmental, but you do.


Just in case you donā€™t know, nobody on CC gets paid by the word count.


Some people should not be playing the piano in the airline terminal. Especially in the pre-dawn hours.


You got up at 9 and you need a nap at 1? Good grief, whatever is really wrong, I hope you sort it out.

This morning my uncle died. It wasnā€™t sudden, but still a shock to my system. The past few years were incredibly difficult on him and his sweet family as he struggled with dementia and losing himself in the process. Complications of dementia are what ultimately took his life as his body forgot how to do thingsā€¦like swallow. He was a very sweet and caring man, a wonderful father and a kind uncle. Growing up there were many times I wished he were my dad.


Here I go again. Two charges on my bank account from a Barnes & noble in Connecticut, both under $20.
I do not want to close the account. It took months to shift all the automatic payments.