Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Unexpected visitors this afternoon. Time to put into action “Operation Make it Look Like a Didn’t Get a Chance to Clean” (by cleaning for three hours.)


Just heard that a friend’s grandson and ex-daughter in law both committed suicide earlier this year. How devastating .

It has not been a good few weeks.

I’m really scared about what this test is going to tell me.

Let me help you out here. Two words: fair share. It would make a world of difference.



Harsh or not, going home the first weekend after moving into college is among the worst things a freshman can do.


From a Washington Post article about the new phone etiquette:

“Text before calling. Calling someone without warning can feel stressful to the recipient.”

Good Lord, talk about a first world problem. If that’s stressful, we’re in trouble as a society. :roll_eyes:


Appreciate the facebook sentiment, but this is not a “happy” holiday. It’s a somber day, day of atonement. IIRC, you also wished a “happy” memorial day last year. That’s also not a “happy” holiday.


Today is first day for new free covid tests. - Free at-home COVID-19 tests should be the link.


I don’t know why, but the Roman Empire trend makes me lol. I wonder how often the men of cc think of it. :rofl:

I keep hoping that I will wake up to find that I’m sleeping next to Bob Newhart and all of this dysfunction was just a dream.


I think once you turn 60 a younger boss thinks you won’t notice everything you’re losing when the new company takes over and then is annoyed when you ask for clarification. I think I’d rather work at McDonalds.


Every time I go shopping or look through my FB decorating groups, all I can think is “WHAT is happening?!!”

I now predict in 6 months my daughter (28) or my niece (30) will be dying to get their hands on a bentwood rocker.:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

If that becomes a thing, beware. It’s a slippery slope between that and black mirrored walls.


My now-dead MIL told my DH that she never wanted to have to deal with sorting through her stuff, paring things down because, as she put it, “if I put it off long enough, then I’ll be dead and then it won’t matter anymore and somebody else will have to deal with it.”

Guess who spent 2 1/2 hr shredding just 3 yr worth of her 10-yr-old bills? Yours truly.

This weekend is going to be a big sort-and-toss weekend and I am really really looking forward to throwing a lot of her decorative nonsense into the trash bin. I’ve been sorting through this woman’s stuff for a month and a half now and we’re only halfway through. Stick a fork in me…I’m done.

If I never have to see another lace doily (I don’t even know if that’s spelled right) again in my life, I won’t be sad about it. Over half a dozen bathroom trash cans with other matching bathroom decorative junk to go with it. Throw rugs for every month of the year. Boxes and boxes and boxes of Christmas stuff. On and on and on and on it goes.

SIL & DH will finish their sorting this weekend. D24 & I will be spending the weekend making multiple trips to Goodwill and the county landfill. I’m looking forward to being rid of it all.

I am never ever ever going to do this to my children.


I see “polls” on the news and wonder who the heck is actually answering their phones and this is the information the pollsters are getting? :roll_eyes:


I am driving 5 mph above the speed limit. It is morning rush hour and am behind a long line of traffic also driving 5 mph above the speed limit. Driving 5 inches behind my bumper is NOT going to get you to your destination any faster, so back off!


$2,000 fine for killing a cyclist who you didn’t realize was there and didn’t realize you had hit! And this is probably one of the harshest punishments for killing a cyclist.


I don’t really want my daughter to go to college on the opposite coast more than 3000 miles from home. But I will refrain from judgement (well, at least overtly) and let her find her own path.


So tired of these robberies at gunpoint, especially when they happen in my kid’s’ neighborhood.


Last night I heard domestic abuse in the house next door. By the time the police arrived (after I called), the situation had calmed down and the family sent them away. Now I’m trying to figure out how I can get the abused a list of resources to get away. My heart hurts.

Abuse is never okay. Ever.