Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

One of my talents is to see matters from different perspectives. For example, when I sit down to eat a meal, I view it as a time for nourishing replenishment, while my dogs view me as a food tester.

The main lesson learned here is that my dogs are more perceptive than I am.


I never understood the merits of an autocracy until I adopted 4 dogs.


When employees complained that you were cold, demeaning, and an intellectual bully, I defended you to HR. I am learning, many years later, that they were right.


My neighbor is a disabled Army vet who continues to fall through the VA cracks. DH and I check on him, pick up his mail, drop off groceries, deliver meals, etc. But, the VA is slow to agree that this man cannot continue to live on his own (immobile, opioid addicted, constant pain, confusion) and provide an adequate care plan. Yesterday, he took forever to come to the front door. When he did, he was in his underwear, confused, with cuts and bruises on his face from a fall the previous night. I called 911 and his sister in OH who had visited for a few weeks and then left him because, ā€œHe seems OK to me and I have to get back home.ā€ I called her to let her know where he had been taken, that I had given the EMTs her contact info, and that they were shocked that he was living alone agreeing that he needed to be in facility care. Sister calls me hours later ā€œdistressedā€ that she doesnā€™t know what to do for him when I had talked to her at length while she was still visiting and left her the number of a local in-home care provider and a neighbor/consultant who helps guide families through the assisted living process even though this should be handled through a VA advocate (which she said he doesnā€™t want and she canā€™t make him). Iā€™m starting to distrust her as she is co-owner of his house (left to them when his mother passed in it a few years ago) and, as a coin dealer, he has thousands of dollars in coin and bullion in his safe and strewn about the house. Before the ambulance arrived, he pointed to his keys and then to me and rasped, ā€œnot sister.ā€ I locked the house after they left, but I have a very bad feeling about where this is going.

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Ice Spice. I absolutely do not understand why she is considered talented.

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To the nosy 85 yr old cranky butthole who lives across the street from my MILā€™s house:

You are a jerk. I had the unfortunate luck to have an encounter in the wild with you yesterday in my MILā€™s driveway. During that short, but torturous conversation, AFTER I told you that MIL died (since, you know, you asked where sheā€™s been since you havenā€™t seen her for awhile), you proceeded to:

  • tell me & my sister-in-law about how my MIL complained about the tree Iā€™d planted in the front yard. And you even emphasized about how it was ME that sheā€™d complained about.
  • ask us if weā€™re selling the house. Yes, we are selling the house. Then you asked how much weā€™re asking. I told you that it was already being sold to Open Door, but Iā€™m sure that once Open Door puts it on the market, you can see for yourself what their asking price is.
  • complained to us about all the times that you ā€œHADā€ to bring her trash bin in from the street after trash day because you just couldnā€™t STAND that she didnā€™t bring it back in right away becauseā€¦wellā€¦we just canā€™t have THAT now, can we?
  • you even proceeded to continue to complain about it after my SIL told you that she had a lot of trouble walking over this past year.

Now I know why my MIL didnā€™t like you very much. You are a tool. You are nosy. You are not a very nice guy. And you can go suck my big toe. I am glad that I will never have to deal with the likes of you ever again after the end of this week.


I have discovered Instagram filters.
That is all.

OMG, going on hour 3 stuck in a jam on I-81 due to a vehicle fire. My usual " donā€™t sweat the small stuff" is beginning to evaporate. Itā€™s made an 8 hour trip an 11 hour one!

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My mom died two weeks ago. Why do people I barely know think itā€™s okay to ask pointed questions about her health and death?

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This is the anti thankful post.

I am NOT thankful this time of year when the gignatic hornets always find a way to get inside our house (kitchen area) to get warm. It always happens at Halloween. They arenā€™t Japanese hornets, but some cousin. So while not aggressive, they are the same super gigantic size!!! And I am deathly and irrationally afraid of all buzzing and stinging things. Making dinner and hearing that buzzzzzz drives me insane (and freaked out).

Fortunately my cats or H will kill them for me eventually. But still. Ahhhhhh!!! Just another reason to stay out of the kitchen!


I am so glad to be on vacation this week!


Well I now feel like Iā€™m letting everyone downšŸ™

At-home PT is the best thing ever. Being able to have him show me the exercises to do at the dining room wall, on the side of the couch, checking that chairs/couches are sized properly (they arenā€™t :frowning:), a real game changer.

After reading the retirement insurance thread, Iā€™m so thankful we hired into that company at a time when they still had retiree medical. They stopped it for new(er) employees, but grandfathered us in. I can have the 12 sessions without going bankrupt.


AITA. I invited a couple and a husband whose wife is out of town on the boat all day Sunday. Usually in return for this, when we dock for lunch, someone will cover my husband and I 's lunch. nope. did not happen. Then when we got back we actually burned a lot of fuel (100$) worth and noone even offered to pay. Nor did anything offer to help tip the dock hands. The couple at least sent us a bunch of thank you texts, and previously have helped us by recommending some good contractors, but the other person (who has owned a boat previously) just said thank you on the way to his car, and that was it. I wonder if his wife was with him, if she would have had some manners. I asked around if " I am the XXXhole" and was told no. Money is tight for us now, and if I had known noone was covering lunch, I would have probably just had a salad (though H and I ordered non expensive things). maybe I should have been more upfront? I will going forward. I want to have others enjoy time on the water, but on our own, we would have never spent that much fuel or docked for lunch.

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So, my dear friend, you are gone. If anyone could make work fun, it was you. You were so kind and supportive and helpful and giving. I told your husband I had never heard one person ever have anything bad to say about you. I am going to miss you so much.

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Furious with ADT. Claiming you need to call them 30+ days prior to wanting service disconnected. Now we pay for a month + for an alarm system that will be disarmed. Hey dudes, wonā€™t be calling you back for any services at our new home.

Iā€™ve never had to work so hard to get a company to take my money. :roll_eyes: Why was that so difficult?

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Note to self:
For the third time - today is Tuesday, not Wednesday! :angry:


Amazing! Heā€™s 82 years old! Listened while I walked to my polling place in beautiful autumnal Bay Ridge Brooklyn.


Ah. Snobbery disguised as humility. That explains everything.

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