Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Part of my work this week involved researching deceased people. One gravestone on linked to 9 of the couple’s children- 4 of which all died in 1880 at ages 2-6. No idea if accident or sickness, just can’t imagine dealing with that, either way.

Stop posting that Facebook post about fixing the algorithm and upgrading the system so you will see more posters. This has been debunked many many times and all it does is clog up newsfeeds with your cut and paste (that doesn’t do anythings).

How many years has this one come around again and again.


I miss you so much. Holidays can be tough.


You seriously asked me why it fit that the woman who “backstabbed” you was Jewish. Because you have some ingrained antisemitism. Duh. Oh how angry you got when I said so.

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Sometimes trying your hardest is not good enough.

Really good day yesterday! Half of double oven has been inoperable for over a year. Preferred service company has been overwhelmed. Had another person look at it in June of last year. Diagnosis unrepairable. Replacing unit would require major kitchen remodel. Yesterday preferred company came, spent about 3 hours total (mostly dismantling and reassembling) of which about 5 minutes was soldering the control board. We now have both ovens working! Fabulous!


I am scared. This is becoming more than I know how to handle. I don’t know what’s next, and I don’t know how to prepare.

Really, you’re arguing with me on the internet on Thanksgiving?! And being borderline insulting? Happy Thanksgiving to you!

One year since your death at 27 years old. So many of those I love hurting today and missing you so very much. Fentanyl is so deadly and is destroying so many families. My heart goes out to all who are hurting today.


Why, oh why did I buy a frozen turkey?? The dang thing must have still been frozen inside … even though I thawed it in the fridge for days. It’s taking forever to cook, and I had to cut the breast off & wrap it up because it was done. Fortunately, we are taking it to D’s and I left myself plenty of time. But never again!


Although tempted, I have never deep fried a turkey. Last night, a national news network showed film of the dangers of deep frying a partially frozen turkey or deep frying with too much oil. Incredibly dangerous.

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Dolly Parton is a national treasure.


I vow to never host Thanksgiving again.


Seriously engineers? You put humans on the moon 54 years ago, but you can’t produce a better paint can?:person_shrugging:


My favorite thing about the Thanksgiving holiday? After all of the labor on Thursday, I still have three days to relax, with a clean house and full fridge.


My brother had part of one of his deer processed into a large venison ham and brought it to Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. :drooling_face: I doubt we’ll ever have turkey again.


We all are Thanksgiving dinner yesterday in our pajamas. And it was glorious.


Mr. Elbow man (who happens to be very pleasant) will be sitting a row in front of us this trip.


Just learned that an internet friend’s husband died suddenly on Wednesday - only 56 (they were married 29 years). So so sad. I can’t imagine how horrible this must be for her.

Note to self…There’s nothing gained by the second kick of a mule…although it is SO tempting…just don’t go there!

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