Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Dear Krispy Kreme:

I’m submitting a bill to you for a new pair of pants due to the overnight weight gain. While nice that you recognized class of 2021 seniors yesterday, they can only consume about 2-3 donuts, and some of the remaining dozen are impossible for mothers (and dads?!) to resist.


Tough week. A very close friend who had been battling metastatic breast cancer. Glad she is at peace, but so very sad. Then one of my kids had a major mental health crisis. He is handling it but was so heartbreaking for him to say that he now understands he will always be dealing with this issue. It is so hard to watch your kid suffer and not know what the future holds.


I’m sorry you think we are overcautious. Okay, I’m not sorry, but honestly, the idea that his medical challenges are somehow spoiling everyone’s desire to be together, and we should just get over it, make me want to cry. You do not get it, and never will. We would love for him to be safe in the world. He isn’t. Full stop. Enjoy your picnic.

And you over there, thanks for rubbing my face in all the bonding going on with the inlaws and cool people and new babies. Don’t mind us, over here in “gosh but you are just SO far away and not as much fun” land.

Crying day, I guess. To strangers on the internet, goodness. Yeesh.


Opened a bag of mussels that I just bought from Freshdirect and they smelled, so I had to throw them all out. Now, what am I suppose to do for dinner? :frowning_face:

So glad to watch you being held accountable in today’s coverage. You haven’t been canceled, you are just trying to shift the blame for being caught repeatedly. Yes, there is room for improvement in the sport, but for now you need to follow the rules which are In place for a reason.

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I dislike how you are so paranoid sometimes.

Oh, and I also dislike that wavy perforation on the Charmin toilet paper!

Oh, my gosh, please don’t tell me I’m practicing too fast. Now I understand what my piano teacher meant when she told me that some of her adult students prefer to practice where nobody else can hear them. I wish our piano wasn’t in the one spot in the house where it can be heard in the entire house. Ugh.


I am a very, very patient person. Might need to repeat that to myself a few times. I teach people how to use software for a living, but they are paying to learn and need the skill for their job. They have motivation to learn.

However, YOU just want me to magically solve all your technical problems, without explaining or describing what it is you need to accomplish, and expect it to all happen easily, without any work or effort (on your part or mine).

AND you don’t want to actually learn anything. You just want me to wave a magic wand. It doesn’t work that way!


Wow. You have a very narrow-minded, outdated view on a lot of things, and yet you have the audacity to talk down to me because your kids are older and you know best on what is right for my family? When I have never spoken to you before today? Well I checked around and it turns out everyone else was already aware that you are a problem. So why am I allowing myself another minute of contemplation on you? I’ll stop.


I’m going to yet another funeral tomorrow for an elderly relative. They all seem to be going close together. As I’m typing this, an image crossed my mind of a bunch of them hanging out together and shouting down “hey Earl, come join us! It’s great up here.” Wouldn’t that be terrific if that’s what’s going on?


Hey woodpecker, the siding on my house isn’t wood!


Put flags out at the cemetery yesterday in preparation for veterans day. Saw lots, LOTS of new 2020 graves. Imagine covid had a lot to do with that. So sad.


It makes you look petty and jealous to keep posting the listing of your sister’s house. That they are selling because she’s getting a divorce.

A house that has probably sold already. And you have to know that.


The new BMW “unplug and play” commercial is beyond terrible. It sends a message: if you are a certified a-hole or a spoiled brat, this car is for you.

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If you want to kick me out, you have to kick me out. Don’t try to manipulate me into leaving the group because you personally don’t like me. I want everyone to see what’s happening.


If you don’t like surprises, never give a young student a maturity test in the presence of adults.


You are a co-worker, contracted to do work for our company. It is not professional to sign the emails you send us with Peace.


Really? Our state had Primary elections yesterday and essentially 45% of my fellow precinct residents voted no on the state constitutional amendment to grant equality to all because of race and ethnicity, even when both parties wanted people to vote yes on it. Over 4 in 10 of my “neighbors” are bigots. Honestly, it now has me contemplating moving even though I’ve always known I live in Deep Red. I guess it’s not really politics that bugs me so much. It’s bigotry.

Fortunately caring minds were still the majority, both locally and moreso in the state overall, so the amendment should become law. However, I certainly have more work to do at school when I go back. H was raised by bigots. He changed and our kids have always known all people are people. The cycle can be broken.


The World makes a bit more sense now:

Okay, so I do understand bitcoin and other crypto currencies–at least according to three Chinese payment agencies which declared that cryptocurrencies are not supported by real value and, therefore, cannot be used as a form of payment.

As an aside: Bitcoin has tumbled recently from a value of about $64,000 to approximately $33,000.

According to sources, mining bitcoin requires the use of massive amounts of electricity–which (I speculate) is probably music to the ears of large, illegal pot growing operations (as mining bitcoin is not illegal in the US and in most countries).

And may God bless the technical writers at the Dr. Scholl’s company.

After assembling an item by following the included instructions which were probably written by an angry engineer whose first language may or may not be English, I came across these glorious “Instructions For Use” which came attached to newly purchased Dr. Scholl’s Tri-Comfort insoles:

“Place insoles in your shoes.”

And, as if that was not adequate, the instructions continued with:

“The insole labeled “L” goes in your left shoe & the insole labeled “R” goes in your right shoe.”

And may whoever wrote those instructions be reserved a place in Heaven and be given recognition for clear and concise writing.

P.S. I got it right on my very first try !