Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Yesterday, my former coworker told me that the consultant said my controls and procedures were amazing, and that it was clear that I always followed them. I am a terrible person, because I was secretly pleased to hear that my successor (who already jumped ship) didn’t follow procedures & left a mess. So many told-you-so’s come to mind, but I am too busy enjoying my current life of leisure to spend much time thinking about that.


Perhaps there were unintended consequences they were not comfortable with that made them make that choice. Pretty harsh putdown.

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H finally got his Xmas present!!! It’s a Mandalorian helmet that was fabricated in Russia. We knew it would be late, but it got delayed a few more months by covid. We hoped being shipped out on May 4th was a good omen, and it appears to be so. He loves it. Yay! I wonder if I can also make it double as a Father’s Day gift? :blush:


Hey Stanford, requiring everyone (graduates and parents) to be fully vaccinated to attend commencement is great. But only allowing two family members in that huge stadium seems a little much. Come on man!!


I do not understand how you can be so forgiving. Aside from many serious issues/screw-ups, physically abusing my child on multiple occasions is just not something I would ever forgive, let alone gush about how well they are doing now. And yet the cycle continues year after year after year. As bad as that is, they are raising another generation in that environment.

You are a bunch of bat-swinging idiots.


I could see by the middle of the second quarter you guys were not ready to play.

Well, they cancelled again. And she wants me to call her and throw out yet more possible dates. Why, to make her feel better? DH is out of town. I told her that I would have to check with him first.

Even if we weren’t coming out of a pandemic, all of those people crowding Phil Mickelson would have made me uncomfortable. I guess I’ve always had a preference for some minimum level of social distancing.


Who writes this kind of stuff? “Irreversible hysterectomies” - have yet to see a reversible one, short of a uterine transplant. Holy guac.


After calling from the emergency hospital to tell someone their beloved dog died, don’t end the call with a chirpy, “Have a great day!” I realize it’s a common phrase to end a call, but if you work the telephones at an emergency animal hospital, you should be able to come up with something other than this.:dog:


It’s tough having an adult daughter with anxiety. I need to remind myself not to get pulled into her level of stress, but coach her how to get through difficult situations. I know she’s trying hard.


You are capable of fixing this yourself. Once you start talking less and doing more, others will consider helping.


If that latest news on the Wuhan lab is true, this has to be one of the single biggest screw ups in the history of mankind.


Your organization just made a monumentally bad decision. You will close, mark my words, and we will be pointing our fingers directly at a couple people who think they know everything. One of you is past due for retirement, so you don’t care. The other will be looking for a new job soon (with the rest of the employees).

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I’m tearing up in sympathy with my neighbor, who just put down her 14 y o dog. My words seem so trite. She is in so much pain.


It’s a great day when you order 12 chicken nuggets at Chick-fil-a and get 16. Woohoo!! :partying_face:


Hey new wife, I know you have gotten your husband to cut out most of his family including his parents, sisters, and even his child. But guess what, that kid you hate so much is now an adult. And he just drove 3 hours to spend time with his siblings and chose to take his siblings to his cousin’s ball game and go out to visit his younger cousins. So sorry you witch of a woman, you failed at destroying this family. My son is much too good of a person to let you win.



What a sourpuss (as my late mother would say). Don’t you have a positive thing to say about anything?