Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Please, God, have mercy on my sweet FIL. It’s just so unfair that he is in so much pain.


After 4 1/2 years of learning and sharing on College Confidential, I am thrilled to announce that my baby is a W&M Griffin! GO TRIBE!

Thanks, everybody, it has been (so far) a wonderful ride with you.


I declined to run for my local school board back in the day because I knew I would have to compromise. I didn’t want to compromise where my kids’ education was concerned. I don’t understand how one person can so be so selfish that they hold up something so important by refusing to compromise.

You are talking about people, “behaving badly,” yet you can’t see that you are doing the exact same things that they are doing?!?!

Whew! Good to see sanity prevail!

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Dad back in hospital with another infection after just starting daily radiation this week. Feel for him deeply as well as my mom who is exhausted and stressed and I can do little to help bc of Covid hospital protocols, etc. Feel guilty that I’ve been so obsessed with ED waiting when really that is so inconsequential with bigger family health picture of my parents. Hate this.


Man, am I glad that I don’t have to be 25yo again.


I don’t get as many odd work requests as I used to, but one came in yesterday afternoon. Skeletal remains were found by a utility crew, and the police want me to map the bones. This was something I never thought I’d be asked during engineering school. I am very sorry for the deceased and his/her family, but I confess that this is much more interesting than my real job. Perhaps it will bring the family some closure.

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Never thought I’d have to be buying a security camera for chicken thieves, but I guess it’s 2020 so who knows what else will happen. Twice in one year now, vs once in the last 22 years we’ve lived here.

Plain and simply put, it’s not ok to take from others just because you can. We don’t have oodles of chickens. We had seven - now five. By choosing two of our youngest chickens I know you weren’t doing it because you were hungry. They aren’t big enough to eat nor laying eggs yet. You’re just opportunists wanting them for ??? They were the closest to the door and easiest to grab. You left all doors open (like last time this year) to make us think a predator got them I guess. Except predators can’t open the door to begin with and we know it was closed last night.

The words I want to use aren’t allowed on this forum.

ETA: They’re back! (as are neighbor’s Christmas decorations that had disappeared) Perhaps a kid whose parents got really mad? Or perhaps a scavenger hunt? I can’t explain it, but I’m really glad they are back and unharmed.


I am waiting in a line of 20 cars at the Salvation Army donation drop. Judy Garland is on the radio, singing Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. It really hits home this year.


Hello CC, is anybody home?
It has an uncomfortable feeling of disconnect.


I can’t believe what I just did. Went into the post office to just drop my cards in the slot and completely forgot to put on my mask. There were two people there (with masks), I wish they would have said something, I would have grabbed it from my pocket and put it on.


It’s really really sad that I’ve come on this site and the only thread that has many responses is the one about the new format.

I’ve started 2 different posts with I thought were fun little topics. That got NO traction. I’m pretty sure it’s because it’s too hard to find a new post and even harder to try and answer it.

I know that I only look at posts that have new responses to them and totally miss any new posts that might be of interest.

Or it could be that no one is coming on here anymore. It’s a sad thing


I’ve been enjoying stocking stuffers and add to cart! :hugs: Were those both started by you?


ARGH! I know I sound like an ungrateful soul, but WHY did you send me a gift??? I don’t want a large cheese board! I don’t really have a place to keep it. I would happily donate it tomorrow, but you will likely come over once this is all over, and you are in town, so I have to keep it so I can put it out when you do!

Just because we don’t want gifts/stuff doesn’t mean we are Scrooges! I really wish people would respect the fact that some of us don’t want ANYTHING! We worked very hard to minimize and downsize. Just because we did a recent upsize in space does not mean we want to fill it up with stuff we don’t want!


Just NO. It’s not safe, and its stupid.Wait till next year. We want you all alive and healthy.


Daughter’s international competition scheduled for next July delayed until 2022. She probably won’t try out for that team as she’ll be out of the sport for 4 years and just too old. Disappointing.


Seems every morning now when I turn on the news I see our country falling apart - combo of politics and Covid (masks/deaths vs economy, etc).

Living near Gettysburg and recalling the writings from before the Civil War in the museum there I wonder if I’m seeing history repeat itself. Seems we are no longer “One Nation” and some are eagerly propelling us to the brink. Our country has survived a lot, but for how long?

Seeing the huge lack of love and partnership to get through hard times can make it difficult to be in the Christmas spirit.


Five minutes of my life I’ll never get back: My doctor prescribed Voltaren, a topical medicine, for me to apply to my arthritic finger. Finger. Just one finger. The instructions for Voltaren give a dose amount for a hand. An entire hand. I called the consumer hotline to ask if I had to use the entire recommended dose in order to gain a therapeutic benefit, or if I could use a smaller amount since it’s just one finger. The man said that sounded logical, but he didn’t know.
He didn’t know. This is why you have a consumer hotline, you idiots. For questions like this.
Yeah, I’m cranky. 2020 has done me in.


UPS, I love the Follow My Delivery on your site, especially today as I need that signature required package you have tried to deliver twice. What I don’t like is your truck showed across the street from me, and is now 4 miles away and past my delivery window. If I miss you again today, the package will go back to sender as there is no option to have it held, or signature left on notice. I will be signing anyway in hopes you will leave it anyway as I have a doctor’s appointment today.

To my husband board that sent these packages, did it not cross your mind that all the board member work and would not be home to receive this? Yes, you sent an email telling all to watch for the package; unfortunately, you did so after 2 delivery attempts.