Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

We got our power back after three days but still don’t have cable. That means no WiFi, business phone, or TV. They can’t come until tomorrow to fix it. I’m not even getting internet on my phone at our house. I’m running errands in town now so popped online for a couple of minutes. I need internet at my computer to get some important things done, sigh.


My doc increased the dosage on a medication, and sent a scrip to the pharmacy for double the number of pills. Pharmacy tells me that my insurance won’t pay for double the number of pills, but will pay for the same number of pills with double the dosage. OK, my doc sends a new scrip with the doubled dosage. I go to the pharmacy today and they hand me BOTH scrips filled! No copay, so I take both.

I hate insurance.

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Can’t justify not wearing a mask


Oh great. My H lives with my BIL out of town during his remote work. I worry enough because the work involves a lot of contact with others. But what’s happening tonight? My BIL and their other housemate went drinking at a BAR. Despite the fact that the state has ordered all the bars closed and this is being operated illegally. Just how stupid and selfish can you be?!!! I haven’t seen my H for 6 weeks. He’s coming home Friday. If BIL catches something tonight, his viral load will be high enough to infect my H before he leaves on Friday.
I’m so tired of being afraid to be around my H.


After being up in the air for weeks, our son finally got his written order to report to Ft. Irwin, CA for a three-week project that would enable him to come home (AZ) for ten days in February on the back side of the order. He got his plane ticket Thursday, and I’ve been on Cloud 9 since. Merry Christmas to us, right? This morning, he called to say he’s been pulled from that assignment and will be staying where he is due to new requirements of his current project. Because Army. I understand this, but there are tears in my coffee (again) this morning.


A reminder that responses are not allowed on this thread.

My dad is really losing it right now. Calling all the time to complain about his painful headaches, very depressed being locked in his room at his assisted living, can’t get out to the doctor, he doesn’t seem able to handle anything on his own anymore. Sad to hear him say I can’t take this pain in one breath and I don’t want to die in the next.


I hate to admit it, but the best Chanukah present I got today was hearing that your spouse’s family finally made the difficult but wise decision not to fly in from 3 states to all stay with you for Xmas. So you are now the proud owners of a few very good air purifiers an a bunch of n95 masks. Things could be worse.


This is hardly the most important part of my 2020, but it is annoying nonetheless. I turned on CNN this morning, as I do most mornings to hear what’s new. I saw underneath the title “BREAKING NEWS” and heard lots of get-ready music. My stomach clutched, my BP went up a little – and then? The announcement was that they’re going to start vaccinating people today. Well, duh. Haven’t we known that for several days now? What the heck is “breaking” about that??


So proud of my S. My FIL was just put on hospice, and S called him. We had him on speakerphone (H & I are with his dad). His heartfelt “goodbye” to his grandfather was so beautiful. FIL will probably stick around for a few weeks or maybe months, but this is the beginning of the end … and S told his grandpa what he has meant to him. My H cried.


So Dad was released from hospital late this afternoon. Arrives home and while using walker from car to garage door the wheel of the walker hits a pavement crack and he falls!

So a trip to ER for X-rays and tetanus shot and stitches. That was 5 hours ago. We are still in ER. (I’m actually in my car in the parking lot bc I’m not allowed in. But my mom is with my dad)

Please let 2021 arrive soon.


Good grief, mil! I never thought I would complain about you, but perhaps your selfishness was always dwarfed by that of fil’s. Now that he is gone, yours is shining through. Get up to your daughter’s house and do some cooking, cleaning, laundry - something!!! Her dh (our bil) is going to be in the hospital for a week! HELP HER!


D got into Fordham. There goes retirement for few more years😂


I’ve come to realize that conspiracy theories are so popular because they allow people to justify their selfish actions that are otherwise unjustifiable.


I do feel conflicted. Uncle you are going through cancer treatments. When the doctor says to stay away from people, I think he is also taking about your kids. Nobody is coming, you say, just the kids. Especially when the last time your daughter visited, her whole family came down with pneumonia (not Covid lol, they were tested)

I pray you beat this!

Interesting pattern on Nextdoor.

“I had my purse stolen…”
“We had our car broken into…”
“My neighbor had 3 packages stolen from her porch…”

Why did these people have these things done? And why didn’t your writing teacher train you to communicate clearly about who took an action?


You asked if your issues would be over (as in “fixed”) by Christmas. My heart is breaking.

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Covid didn’t get you, Oxy did. Way to young at 50, RIP


Dear minister (not my minister, thankfully): You are so excited about the grand Christmas service you have scheduled. Such a production, including a snow machine. All I could think about as you went on & on was how many needy people could be helped with all that money you are spending on it. We certainly view our faith through different lenses.


Please don’t say I steamrolled you - the apartment was making you sick you had to move.