Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

God Da*n it! Long Term care provider sent me a letter saying they’d have to increase the premium by 52% this fall. It’s possible they’ll increase the rate AGAIN next fall. The stock market is booming and if they cannot grow their investment accordingly, fire the fund manager! This is the second time they did this and last time it was 140% increase! I had to change my policy from life time to a finite number/years in order to lessen the impact. And there was a class action law suit on this (and the plaintiff won). I guess I should have invested the same amount of money in 401K instead :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


this sounds like a terrible mindset to have but i really would rather not go to a CSU … they are undoubtedly great schools but i feel like i would fit a UC much better. unfortunately most of the schools i like or love are reaches, at best matches. maybe im not looking far enough but i would rather not go to any of the safeties on my list.

Mom, I love you, but when I say at the end of the phone call, “I will talk to you tomorrow,” that doesn’t mean continue telling me more stories. This goes on every night, and every night, I say I have to go shower, eat dinner, or get ready for bed, and every night, the call last an additional 15 minutes! If what you were telling me were important, I wouldn’t mind; I do mind listening to a play by play of your dinner prep, or being read a recipe from a magazine, or what happened on the tv show that I also watch.

My aunt, her sister, says she just puts the phone down and picks it up every so often as this is usually a one way phone conversation.


Tell me if you’re transferring colleges or not. Don’t hide things from me, especially since this potentially affects the entire family financially. I’m tried of your games.


You can’t say that you are for this AND for that. If you actually thought critically, you’d realize that they are mutually exclusive.


Have you ever seen two 80 pound dogs squeeze into a pool designed for one 60 pound dog ?

I have.

God, I love dogs.


Paxton Smith - you go girl!


Posting pictures of your 30-something son with the intent of soliciting “He’s so hot” from your friends is just plain creepy.


Fauci’s emails. Wowser.


Graduation is not the venue for making an overtly political speech. The audience is captive. They just want to celebrate the achievement of the graduate. It is rude to make anyone uncomfortable at such an occasion.


How can I sign in when a pop-up ad covers the place for the password just as I start typing? If I keep typing it doesn’t register and I have to start over. Cannot find where to send a complaint. It may not be worth the bother.


Ms Paxton, you are a profile in courage who deserves the brightest of futures.


You look at that as a positive? Wow!

Are you with me, or against me?

You are serving yourself. That is not okay.

This is a public service announcement. Many states have unclaimed funds websites for people to claim missing funds. I found out about it when I got an email from a company to let me know I had unclaimed funds in NJ. They could help me claim those funds if I would pay them 20% recovered amount. It sounded like a scam so I decided to do it myself.
I found New Jersey Unclaimed Property - Official State Website. By typing in my name I found there were 2 different funds due to me. Still not quite believing it, I proceeded with my claims. The first one was for few thousand $ of a stock I owned 20+ years ago. I have moved a few times since then, so they probably didn’t have a way of contacting me. The NJ website just asked me for my ID and sign a form to process my claim.
I then went ahead to search for everyone in my family. I found $75 for D1, $100 for my sister, even some money for my dead father. Most of the money seemed to be from store refunds, interests, etc. For small amount money they just email you to let you know a check is coming to you. If you have moved around and you didn’t have online account then you may have some money owed to you. Try to google for your state’s unclaimed funds website.


I was just watching on YouTube Neil Diamond’s surprise visit to Fenway after the Boston Marathon bombings to sing Sweet Caroline. That week every MLB stadium played that song to support Boston Strong. Why can’t we feel that unified spirit anymore in this country? After 9/11, after the Boston bombings, after so many tragedies, the country felt pride and unity. I am sad that I don’t see or feel that anymore. I want that now, hey we worked together, look what we have done, we are beating COVID, we got it!


I have withheld diplomas, but I would never do so for that. Sorry, but he earned the diploma. He fulfilled all requirements, he doesn’t owe you money … the reason it’s being withheld is unacceptable. Sounds like all you want is to get an apology, but one thing has nothing to do with the other in this case.


Never blindly trust Google maps, especially in a foreign country.


1 Like
  1. Students who try to throw others under the bus for their own benefit piss me off.

  2. It’s a doctoral program, don’t blame me for your inability to organize. See above statement but change students to “classmates”.