Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Three years ago this week we found out he was suicidal. Today he graduated happy, proud and joyful with his eyes on the future.

Usually events like this make me a blubbering mess. Today I could do nothing but smile and laugh.

There is always a way forward.


Why do you jump from your engagement to one man back to the man you were engaged to years ago? Why not take some time and figure yourself out and focus on the kids?


Forty years? No kidding. Forty years! OMG. Lots of progress was madeā€¦ but more is needed.

I know some people will judge me for this butā€¦I happen to know for a fact that a large snake was murdered in my neighborhood very recently and I know who did it (not me or H).

Iā€™m not tellingā€¦


Oh D of mineā€¦every time (EVERY TIME!) I go with you to your new apartment I have pangs of envy! I want to live in the city so badly. From walking 3 blocks to the Metro and weā€™re in downtown in 15 minutes, to a block down the street to Griffith Parkā€™s Fern Dell hiking trail, to a 2 block walk to grab a coffee at a hip spotā€¦and yet your place is peaceful and calm, with room to spread outā€¦Hold on to this place my baby-woman, it is gold and I believe, you, and your artwork, will thrive here!


It was good to see you both after a year and a half. But you are still an idiot and your wife is still charming.


My opinion is that Covid-19 may result in the reawakening of America. Priorities will change. And, in the long run, this will be a positive development for us (US).


I know the 10 Commandments.

I think that there should be 11.

The 11th Commandment could be something that I have learned from my dogs and appears on bumper stickers:

Wag More, Bark Less.


So sad. A senior in S21ā€™s graduating class died over the weekend in a car accident. Graduation in less than 2 weeks.Heartbreaking.


It was disheartening to talk with my niece from VT who works in the ICU. When asked about her job, she said the vast majority of her patients are either drug or alcohol overdoses, and most are repeat patients.


Yes!!! :+1::+1::+1:

Current help wanted ad for a CPA/JD/LLM tax attorney lists 4 primary responsibilities, the first of which is:

ā€œMust keep owners out of jailā€


My ā€œbabyā€ (25) was riding his bike and got hit by a car. We hope heā€™s not hurt too seriously - he walked away, had a bloody nose and a headache (which is getting worse). Heā€™s now at the ER and I am restraining myself by not driving to the hospital. His GF is with him, and they will give me updates.
ETA he was deemed OK to go home with no serious injuries. I am very relieved.


Elevator replacement in my apartment building and I am four flights up. Oh well, maybe a good way to get rid of that Covid 20+!


Please be happy - your world is opening up - you got a promotion - your landlord didnā€™t raise the rent for next year. You will lose that COVID weight - be patient.


I said sending another email was premature in my opinion. I said that I totally understand with and agree with your goal with the email but you should give them time to respond to the last one before sending another one. That you get angry and interpret that as undercutting you and disregarding you is on you. Nothing I said was in anger, unlike YOU. Also - itā€™s your own email! Send it or donā€™t. You donā€™t need my permission and asked me for my opinion. Sorry I didnā€™t just rubber stamp it for you.


I knew when you said that it was not worth further discussion that you would circle back on the topic.


I wish you had more courage. Or spent your time more productively. If you need help, I am here for you. If you need book suggestions, you can always pm me. :wink:

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Trying to embrace ā€œgo with the flowā€. My brain tends to worry, dissect, try to predict and control. But itā€™s not helpful or healthy. This I know!!
But the struggle is real.

Butā€¦my tastebuds have finally matured to liking margaritas. For this, I am very thankful!