Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Your anatomical knowledge is suspect. Worse than that - try non-existent. That’s not where it is. :joy:
Editing is a lost art on some of you.

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Wandered old haunts in Ann Arbor yesterday. This is not your father’s U. So many changes messing with my sacred memories. Maybe it’s just better to visit in my mind when Michigan was Michigan (with Drake’s and the Blue Frog and Middle Earth and the Village Apothecary and Bicycle Jim’s and Krazy Jim’s Blimpy Burger on S. Division and where the heck did Pizza Bob’s Downtown go? You can’t have Pizza Bob’s Uptown without Pizza Bob’s Downtown 50 feet away. Has the world gone crazy?)

Really, East Quad? A subterranean solarium? You’ve sold out.

Go Blue!


Spent all day cleaning out a deceased family member’s house and meeting with appraisers. It’s just so sad that what someone spends their life collecting, in the end is worth so little. Glad for the reminder that once you have basic needs covered, material things just don’t really matter.


Hey, maybe think a minute before talking loudly at a graduation. Yes, those are the super smart, “twitchy” kids in the weird nerd program. And the one you are pointing at is my kid. If 50% of graduates are in the faux military program and 50% are in the twitchy program, odds are several people within earshot are twitchy-affiliated.


Of course he’s not woke. He was never asleep. You might want to consider what that really means.

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You have to be kidding. CA is already taken. Firm NO to renaming my state.

I did the best I could


Stories like this remind me why we like to support small businesses. The rich getting richer on the backs of their minion employees is not a world I want to support. Kudos to AirBnB’s Brian Chesky if he does indeed give his away! We will continue to use AirBnB when we travel if it suits us.

Being a NYT article, you might have to hit the stop button before it fully loads in order to read it without the firewall…


Some folks can be too analytical–especially when it concerns the need for steel-toed work shoes–just ask my highly analytical engineer brother-in-law–yup, the one with the broken toe.

I just FaceTimed with the kids, who were able to schedule a last-minute honeymoon to Paris of all places! Their little studio is adorable, and they looked so relaxed and happy. I’m so glad that they were able to make this happen because the next year will be crazy!


I just got tickets to go to my first major league baseball game since pre-Covid–on my birthday! Going with H, S, and S’s GF. Can’t wait! #LGM!


I have the confirmation email showing the special rate of $5 for three months. So how come you charged me for four weeks at $3.99/week?!? Calling you tomorrow!!

“Club for Growth Action”, I support some of the same folks you do but your mailers are low blow and bush league. Try taking a higher road why don’t you?

Rant to the inept, incompetent administration at D21’s high school.

They omitted her name and one other student’s name from the published list of those who received statewide honors for their high GPAs. The error was called to their attention immediately, yet they republished the same incorrect list in two other places after that.

It’s not a one-off human error situation; it also happened to my S19 at the same school. At that time, they apologized profusely and promised to be more thorough and accurate in the future. Lip service. Now they don’t even respond to any calls or emails about this from me or from the other family affected.

The administration either has no idea what they’re doing or they just don’t really care.

Guess what? My kids care, and so do I.

ETA - Now published 4 times, each with incorrect information.


Air B&B house—you were lovely. We had everything our family needed for a weekend stay. Just one recommendation: get rid of the cheapo Scott’s toilet paper that falls apart when you use it. For $800 a night, I’m pretty sure you can afford Charmin!


You know it’s bad when you come to this thread, but realize you can’t bear to say it, even here.


I hate car shopping. HATE IT. I already drive around 100 miles per day and I don’t want to add another 60 to drive my husband to/from work, but it almost feels worth it after three days straight of car shopping. Gah!


You send an email asking me if I am interested in renewing my lease saying the rent will be the same. I reply great I will renew. Then you say you are created the new lease and the rent is going up. Not good business practice in my opinion (however I like the apartment and don’t want to move, so instead I will negotiate the increase).

I am so sad at the lack of scientific literacy in this country.


We just bought the tickets, and you can’t find your vaccination card which you’ll need to get in? Great.

Edit: Found. Finally. inside his Kindle Cover.