Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Unfortunate that the concept of freedom of speech gets lost on so many. Strange times, indeed. Oh, heretic me. :no_good_woman:
Note to self: stick to inflation x deflation debate
Flag away.


I need something really important that I canā€™t find to suddenly appear. Thank you universe in advance.


Iā€™m so tired. I work so hard to help my son, and the bureaucratic hoops and red tape are just endless. I am perfectly willing to play by the rules, but you have to frigging tell me what they are! I just found out the state ā€œallowsā€ him to be away from his supported housing only 14 days a year, and we have reached that number already in 2021. He wanted to spend time with us in July while his brother is visiting from Lebanon. Since itā€™s a 60-mile round trip from our house to his apartment, we canā€™t be driving him back and forth every day just to satisfy a bureaucratic requirement. Argh. And itā€™s so short-sighted. If we keep my son mentally stable, it will save Maine $1,000+/day in hospitalization costs, and a hospital stay for him is typically a month or two long. I guess I will see if the state would be willing to make an exception.


PSA here - if you took a photo of the Covid vaccine card (which at my local health department, we were recommending), the folks where you got vaccinated would likely create a new card from you photo.


Finally! Finally there is something exciting to watch on TV! Yay to Olympic trials. Every one of you competing - you are a hero.


I love the Olympics. Stay safe. Compete well.

My vision was severely impaired during the last Olympics. I couldnā€™t see well and what I could see was double or weirdly occasionally four time the picture. It made downhill skiing exciting.

Three or four scars later and I still feed my dogs fresh-cooked chicken by hand.

I am happy to help but please do us both a favor and read the directions before you ask.

I sometimes wonder why/how you got where you are when there is NO common senseā€¦

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Big delivery company: Please teach your employees not to toss packages up 6 steps. Its really not that hard to walk up a few. And when they park their truck right at the driveway, they choose instead to cut across the lawn (the walkway to the front door is attached to the driveway). Thatā€™s only mildly annoying compared to the package-tossing delivery. Fortunately it wasnā€™t breakable, but still. And when I contact you with the tracking #, date, time and address of the delivery AND with a video clip of the unacceptable delivery, please donā€™t then ask me for more personal information. Its really not that hard to properly train your employees. And then you give me a link to use to register for something I am already registered forā€”- and your link doesnā€™t work. Get your act together.


Dear Fed Ex -

We have been home all week. We put the slip back out with our signature and we a note on the door asking you to knock if you need to see us in person to deliver.

Day 2, a second slip was left next to the one we signed, and no one bothered to knock. We know, we were home, listening out, and waiting.

Day 3 - H sat on the porch for the entire delivery window today and no one showed up. A FedEx truck did pull up in front of the neighbors house but didnā€™t come to ours (and it wasnā€™t our package as we checked). H calls you and you say that the driver attempted a third delivery during the window today and now the package will be returned to shipper.

Pro customer service tip - Flat out lying to your customers when they call is not a good look.


It sometimes is just not fair.

The courtesy of a reply would be appreciated.


Thank you Fed Ex, Amazon, and the internet. Another no-mail holiday for the P. O. And they wonder why their business is going down.


A little more than a week for return to the office plans would be appreciated. Especially, when the return to office plan is on the last day of school.


Ughā€¦ my temporary crown fell off, and my dentistā€™s office appears to be closed until TUESDAY.

ETA - Yay! I was able to got my dentist via text (the number to call for emergency had a voice-mail box that was full). Heā€™s meeting me at his office in the morning. I was really stressing so glad I can see him tomorrow. I didnā€™t know a big ā€œhole in my mouthā€ would cause this much stress.

The odds were historically low to get into a selective college for HS class of '21. Congrats to every applicants who survived this madness. It was a huge accomplishment.


No, 2 hours notice is not sufficient time for a company to implement an unexpected federal holiday.


College World Series starts tomorrow.
Went once.
Would love to go again.


Youā€™re panhandling within yards of multiple Help Wanted signs. I have a tough time believing you canā€™t find a job. It sure looks like you prefer panhandling as your job.

Iā€™ll support organizations helping guide people who want to change their lives around, but thereā€™s no way I feel like paying you to panhandle with multiple places hiring around you.