Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Some very interesting worthwhile discussions of all kinds on this website.

Also enlightening how so many people can interpret the same words and situations so differently.

Feeling others should “know” what it is like to be in my shoes should not be automatic.

Just my latest 2 cents worth.

Good hygiene, common sense means of infection control, and vaccines do not mean “cowardice” as you claim. It is just a virus. It does not have territorial or political ambitions, it has no brain. “Bravely face the “enemy”? Lol. The “enemy” does not care. It is a strand of RNA wrapped in a bunch of protein molecules. Oh wait… would you say the same stupid stuff about Ebola?


I just can’t.

It’s a beautiful summer day, the sun is shining.

So glad this site has a mute option!

You have a great day!

I suggest this to all!


Some posters are more charming than others.


To my parents’ next door neighbor. Why would you tell my dad the hospital my mom is having surgery at is terrible, and suggest they go elsewhere? You have no first hand knowledge, you have no idea of the extensive searches my sister did to find the best doctor and hospital for our mom, and you haven’t seen how much our mom has deteriorated over the past 2 months and can’t wait to fiddle around with finding a new doctor and hospital. All you have done is scared my parents, who are already afraid.


RIP, Champ.


I got the results of my mamo and bone scans. My breasts are too dense and my bones aren’t dense enough!


My 32 year old daughter asked me to do something for her. Go to a counselor and figure out why I let my employers take advantage of me.

Huge stop me in my tracks moment.

I mean I know the hours I work are ridiculous. And I’m constantly exhausted and stressed to the max. Bad enough that I have been reduced to tears a couple times recently.

But to hear that request coming from her. Which I know was hard for her to say. Just blew me away. Made me think. And I’ve been thinking about it in the 2 weeks since. I need to make changes. Big ones.

Thanks love :heartpulse:


Happy Father’s Day to skidad, skigranddads, and skibisabuelo, as well as to all dads and father figures on CC.


Ugh! It is Father’s Day and folks don’t want to work. I get it. But do NOT change the schedule after DD left last night and call her at 10:30 this morning to tell her she is a half hour late for her shift! She had plans, too, but is too kind to call you on your BS! DD: please Google how to write a resignation letter because you deserve better.


Rooting for the veterans. Go Nathan, A., Simone M., Allyson F., and everyone else I missed. You are my heroes


Doc, I appreciate your surgical skills and respect your expertise. But you delivered some pretty bad news in a very offhand way that left me dumbfounded. I didn’t even have a chance to ask questions. You were out the door before I could speak. Really?!

Maybe you avoided the questions because there aren’t any answers. I’ve since read about the odds of various outcomes and am not encouraged. It’s not fatal but quality of life is going to suffer a huge hit; it’s just a question of when.

I went in expecting the next surgery to be scheduled and feeling hopeful about the outcome. Sure didn’t leave feeling that way. Now I have to figure out how and when to share the news with our kids. One will worry, the other will dismiss it, but they’ll have to be told sometime.

might need to put this in the splurge thread, 700+/week to rent a car times 3 weeks?! What the heck?!

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you are miserable, shortsighted, elitist, cruel, incompetant people and I hope when he retires I can come and spit on the building. How do you even live with yourselves?

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You are lucky the interpretation of that rule turned out favorably or you would have seen me in Mama Bear mode.


Enjoying my :coffee: on the cabin porch this cool, still morning, listening to the sounds of the forest, looking at a screen of thick, deep green, and inhaling a smell I can only describe as the soul of pine. I can feel the approaching rain. I am happy in my soul today.


My family knows that I worked in a toxic environment, and they were thrilled that I finally left. So they don’t want to hear it … but I can’t help feeling more than a little miffed that the incredibly hard work I did while there is being actively trashed by a director who has no clue. She is unprofessional, which is part of the reason I left, but geez lady. Don’t make stuff up just to make yourself feel better about the fact that you have no idea what you are doing.


Please close your piehole.


You are in a health care facility. If you are going to walk around with your mask completely off your nose then just take it off. Look defiant as you seem to want to be instead of just stupid.


100 degrees? And it is not summer yet! (Summer here starts after the 4th.) Cant wait for that metal roof… can’t come soon enough… it will only take one careless idiot to set the neighborhood on fire…