Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Today I am saying goodbye the world’s greatest cat. I feel so very sad, but I don’t want him to suffer one more day. He has advanced kidney disease.

I actually think we all might have gone insane last year if it wasn’t for Puddle, also known at various times over the last thirteen years (we kept a list) as puddy, pud pud, pud, muffin, king of the house, puddly wuddly, puddly poo, little puddy poo, pud muffin, puffer muffin, puffin, muffers, fluffy muffin, puffer, silly muffin, meower, baby boo boo, puff puff, poodley, fluff meister, puddlekin, pudkin, babby, baby boo boo, puffy, and my husband’s usual name for him, catty watty.

Be at peace, world’s greatest cat that ever is or was.Thank you for bringing us happiness and joy.

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Hey, social security- why tell me to call the local office? They do not answer. It rings and then after 20 minutes or so says try again later and hangs up. Strike 3.


751 unmarked graves. My heart hurts for those children.


Good reason why you need to talk to a realtor. Saw something that looked great - when I told my realtor the location, she knew it was very close to a nuclear power plant (really couldn’t tell from google maps).


I didn’t ask you to come to the meeting to say, “I think we should work through the weekend.” No, you will be the only person on the status update meeting on Sat & Sun. Did you hear the deathly silence on the call?


We told you - spay your cat. The procedure has been tested on millions of cats (and even humans). No, you thought you wanted her to have one more litter of kittens. The cat almost died during kittenbirth, and only one kitten could be saved. That was an awfully expensive way to spay your cat!! Hope the kitten is a male, so when he starts spraying your furniture, you will run to the vet faster than Usain Bolt could run a 100. :pouting_cat:


Freeway on-ramp meters are such a waste.

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Damn the Army. I am like Charlie Brown and the football. So naive. So ridiculously hopeful.

Same day pass, same day cancellation. Don’t even bother to tell me the reschedule date. Won’t happen. Heartsick once more.




I need to pick my chin up off the floor.

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I’m so proud of you and all you’ve accomplished - thrilled for the offers you are receiving. I know it’s a bit of a problem, but what a problem to have. I’ll listen and give advice but then I’m stepping back…these are your decisions. You really can’t screw it up - most people change jobs after 3 to 5 years anyway…you’ll be fine.


PTSD from work is real. Got a DM today from a boss I left two years ago and haven’t spoken with. Immediate panic attack. Took two hours to be able to think about anything else. And all the note said essentially said was “hello”. So incredibly thankful to not be in that environment every day anymore.


If you accept them, you should make them feel welcomed and part of the community. Tired of hypocrisy.


So, how’s that philosophy of “I don’t want to indoctrinate my team” regarding the vaccine working for you now? Sad that your team is facing the heartbreak of elimination based on choices to remain unvaccinated. Also, puts a damper on my team advancing.


I didn’t get the usual morning message. Where are you?

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So glad I turned on the Olympic track & field trials. I forgot how much I enjoyed watching them.


I’m really not sure how my medical labs are hugely different in a year’s time. Really, it seems like they tested someone else’s blood.

I’m the same fine weight and the same darn good blood pressure. I don’t think I’m eating any differently, perhaps less bread, since I’m not pandemic-baking.

Can I wait 4 weeks to have the labs tested again? Will I be a patient patient?

How could so many things go from normal to abnormal, drastically! Vitamin D from 66 down to 12? Glucose way, way, way higher, reversed cholesterol, liver and kidney damage?

Four weeks to re-test? Really?

Fingers and toes crossed you get this house! It is perfect for you both!


Why does he bend over and whisper into the microphones? So odd…

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So you can spend cash for a truck if you want one and loan out in excess of 500K to others while maintaining multiple large CDs and stocks, but needed to call about and get approved for forgiveness of $200 on your electric bills because your monthly anticipated payment got behind.

Do you even realize (or care) that those funds are intended for people who literally can’t pay their bills?

Oh right, you’re the same person who feels it’s fine for the wealthy to pay little or no taxes since that’s the way the laws are written, ignoring totally that they’re the ones who heavily influence the laws.

I just don’t get the mindset at all. It disgusts me TBH. But I’ll write it here to vent it somewhere - and when there’s an inheritance I’ll see to it that a worthy organization gets at least $200 to make up for it. I’ll probably round up significantly for all the times I don’t know about. I’m sure there are plenty.