Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

If you hire a structural engineer, then you should take the resulting report seriously and act in accordance with the recommendations contained therein.


Financial stability begets financial stability. But those who do not have the luxury of a family that can help them out very often find it extremely difficult to move up in the world. Just something to think about.


NCAA that decision was messed up. Sorry Wolfpack.


2nd appointment this week changed or canceled on me. It’s an epidemic. It been happening constantly the last month or so. Did people forget how to schedule things during COVID?


It should not be 100+ degrees for days on end in Seattle! We don’t have air conditioning and fans don’t cut it. I can cope, but my pets are really suffering.


Why would you put out signs “DEER CROSSING”? They can’t read.

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How dumb do you think we are?

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They got the house!!!


Hope the record stays unbroken for many, many, many years.


Lest anyone confuse being educated with being intelligent - this shows the two don’t always go together. :rage: Personally, I’m glad he’s dead now, and I really feel for the innocents and their families. Our world simply doesn’t need people like that.

"An American man who crashed a stolen lorry into a house before shooting two black bystanders was a suspected white supremacist, police say.

Nathan Allen, 28, fatally shot retired policeman Dave Green and military veteran Ramona Cooper in Saturday afternoon’s attack in Massachusetts.

Investigators later found racist and anti-Semitic writings by Allen, who was shot dead by officers at the scene.

He was married, employed and had a PhD and no criminal history, police said."

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I can’t do this without sacrificing my mental health.

I waited six months for this appointment, and you were not helpful. At all.


Whew, so relieved to have found a J and J vaccination site for my son during his upcoming visit. I didn’t realize it was becoming so hard to find that brand! (He needs since he won’t be here long enough for two doses of the other vaccines.)


I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re really not helping me at all. Time to find another doctor.


They are drilling a hole in my husband’s skull and I’m not allowed in the hospital. I don’t know how to even be this helpless.


How. How do people who make literally four and five times what I do have no money and make their kids take out loans to go to school? What even are they buying? Do they have all the mirrors shrouded in their house, never have a look in them as they pass by?

While I’m at it, Americans, how exactly are you using 80-100 gallons of water daily? I bathe, I wash dishes and clothes, and I don’t get to half of that. Are you just randomly turning on taps and enjoying the sound of running water as white noise?


I understand that you may think what she did was inappropriate. But freedom of speech isn’t just a thing for some 
 it applies to all. What she said wasn’t hate speech or speech that could have caused unnecessary panic. It was just something with which you don’t agree. Guess what? This isn’t Hong Kong, so get over it.


Consulting Co that had a project manager over an important project: The person used a colloquialism. Or maybe it was just an expression. Probably not the best choice, and maybe even in bad taste. But maybe you could have reprimanded him or sent him to sensitivity training or something. Firing the guy was way over the top. Now you (the company that fired him) have to get a new project manager in and quickly up to speed for a very important project.

Question seen on sign in front of local business asked:

“Why am I the only naked person at the gender reveal party ?”


You send me a DocuSign with errors, then tell me you made the corrections and that all the changes will show after the signing is complete.
No, just no.
I will not sign incorrect documentation.