Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Rich privilege


Whining never ceases.

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If I had to guess, you did not master shape-sorting in preschool.

Happy applause. That turd de France was found and arrested.


A quote I love from someone I admire greatly

ā€œI believe the Constitution is divinely inspired because it contains principles and rights that bless not only this nation but also the world. Thatā€™s not to say that the document is perfect, but from its attributing sovereign power to the people, and its vital Bill of Rights, to its application of the separation of powers and balancing of powers between the federal government and the states, the Constitution is the foundation for a well-ordered government of laws, and not of men.ā€


There are 5 of us playing on line and rotating in and out. All you keep saying is that you took a muscle relaxer and canā€™t think. And are in lala land and processing slowly and canā€™t follow the game. So why donā€™t you just politely sit out?

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And to the others: Can you please not answer and talk on your phone while we are playing? There is a mute option on facetime.

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And while I am ventingā€¦ Social Security: I finally got a human on the phone after 8 days of trying, and you tell my the issue is ā€œbackloggedā€ in payment and there is no way of knowing when that status will change? You made your mistake 8 months ago, and its only partially fixed. It sure would be nice for you to fix all of it.


I guess I donā€™t know why anyone goes to doctors or any person goes to med school. They can learn everything they need to know about any health issue from you and your friends on the internet. Youā€™re so fortunate to have been granted such in depth knowledge about so many subjects from health to hurricanes to politics to, well, pretty much everything - no degree or experience in the subject needed. Youā€™re just so smart!

But can you please quit texting me about all the ā€œwrongsā€ that are out there and how you know so much better? Iā€™m getting tired of them and my patience is pretty thin ATM. A few texts per day I can generally handle, but oodles upon oodles is irritating. I had hoped my BS text to you would put me on the naughty list, but alas no. Go text your friends about how dumb I am. Theyā€™ll share your sentiments.



I donā€™t understand the desire for more and more ā€˜thingsā€™


Can you be any slower?

Brag much?


I especially hate fireworks that simply
Make noise or smoke and stink up the air. What is the purpose?


The little brown bats are alive!!! :bat: :bat: :bat:

Iā€™m so sorry little critters I accidentally sprayed your house from the garden hose when I was watering the plants below and disturbed your peace. I know you will be back. I am amazed you survived the recent scorching bake! It must have been 120-plus inside your black box. :slight_smile:


The new family in the next hotel room watches TV way too loud. I donā€™t care, they are watching food network not Fox.


I am so, so sad. My son lost his wallet with his visa (copies are not acceptable), so he is not flying home from Lebanon today as planned. At least he will be able to get vaccinated for sure in Lebanon very soon, but we are all crushed. He contacted the government yesterday but they said they canā€™t help him until next week. His airfare is not refundable.

I love visiting CC early in the morning and reading all the spam :laughing:


Looking at the picture below my first thought is, ā€œThereā€™s no way Iā€™d join a military if I had to march in heels - I donā€™t even wear heels now!ā€ I wonder if these gals had options or if their service is mandatory. Of course, having joined prior to the new plan makes it mandatory for all already in.

Then my second is, ā€œWow, theyā€™re all so young. Where has the time gone?ā€ (Need to see the article to feel this effect - the headline alone gives the first.)

ā€œTo see what is in front of oneā€™s nose needs a constant struggle.ā€
-George Orwell