Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Well, late November should have been early enough for those presents that seem to be lost in the system. The one for the husband is fine to be late/lost, but it would be really nice to get the other before the weekend ends.

Our family lost a 96 year old hero this week. He cared deeply about everyone, had a sense of humor and deep wisdom. He will be carried in my heart forever; asking ā€œwhat would x do in this situation?ā€ would answer almost any question in the best way possible. We are all grieving and grateful.


In October I posted that D & SILā€™s golden doodle was sick and how torn up I was since he was the only dog I have every really taken to. They gave him a strong antibiotic and he bounced back for a little while. Dog had such a good Thanksgiving when I was with them that day. Lots of fetch on a mild day and smoked turkey bits that he loved. Now he is worse and they have diagnosed end stage liver disease. D & SIL are going to give him a nice weekend and say goodbye next week. Although the vetā€™s office isnā€™t allowing humans in for normal care, they are going to let D & SIL in to be with him at the end. I am so sad and they are devastated. I am not one to splash really personal stuff on social media, so Iā€™m grateful that I can put my feelings out into the world somewhat anonymously here.


The reality seems to be that you are a spoiled brat, drama queen, gas lighter.

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Iā€™m a little sorry to watch you crumble, hoist by your own petard. But you reap what you sow and we didnā€™t deserve the nastiness. Go pose elsewhere.


Here we go again: One is only as happy as oneā€™s least happy child. I should probably needlepoint this into a pillow.


Please tell me that my son and I watching Mamma Mia while ordering in Greek food and killing a bottle of wine in the middle of a Friday is perfectly normalā€¦


Just how old does one have to be to discover via Christmas card that the ring bearer at oneā€™s wedding just retired? (Just rhetorical, of course.)


I canā€™t believe how I got ripped off. I have bought books of stamps in places other than the post office before - the supermarket, CVS and I always pay the same as in the Post Office. They just charged me $3 extra for a book of stamps in the UPS store! I think that should be illegal!

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Where are you? Crises abound, and youā€™re nowhere to be found. Iā€™m not sure why you want the job you wonā€™t do.


Turns out my SIL is magical. She says that the chiropractor she works for told her she is immune from COVID-19. Her RA drugs supposedly have made her immune. Neither she nor the chiropractor wear masks at work & neither has gotten sick, which apparently further supports this idea. SMH.

So my dadā€™s church hosted a 250-person Thanksgiving dinner. As of yesterday, 44 cases of COVID and three deaths, all of whom my father knows.


When you tell your neighbor that you are going to send your son to help dig out the ice at the end of the driveway, actually follow through.

She lives alone, has Parkinsonā€™s, no relatives in state, and has spent 4 HOURS just to get the end of the driveway dug out, while you watch from your livingroom window.

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To the aide I saw through the nursing home window 2 weeks agoā€¦Youā€™re the one who gave Sister Margaret Anne covid. You were only wearing a face shield, when she called you over to the window to see us. If youā€™re going to work in a nursing home, you need to wear a face mask, too.

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Ok neighbors. We canā€™t figure you out. First you send give my spouse a pair of novelty socks, then you send us a re-gifted fruit baskets for the holidays but too early to be normal. I just knew it was kind of off. No one sends an edible gift to themselves then gifts it to their neighbor. They just send it directly. My spouse found the note from your employer thanking you for a good year. How utterly tacky.
Itā€™s ok, weā€™ll eat the fruit. Hard to get to the supermarket with Covid.
So glad we said no to your election sign ( whatever it was).
People are just so much weirder than you think.

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Merry Christmas to you Scroogeā€™s. :rage:

I feel kind of guilty, enjoying our empty house now that all three adult kids are GONE!! DH and I just enjoyed champagne while sitting in the hot tub and watching our Australian shepherds run around in the woods in 18 inches of fresh snow. :slight_smile:


Well, this is not a good holiday gift. Our car was rear-ended and I think will be considered totaled. Luckily nobody was hurt and the back of the car really did itā€™s job protecting the inside of the car. Basically there is no longer any back of the car left.

Feeling like a terrible person while going through the big green trunk in the basement and trying to sort through all those old family photos. Iā€™m scanning immediate family and keeping those whose names I recognize from the family tree but Iā€™m tossing the photo album from California (where no one in the family lives, as far as I know) with no identifications except for an unfamiliar name. Never mind the boxes of negatives and slides and home movies that I guess Iā€™m leaving for the kids to sort out.


Stinking pandemic. For so long I was doing ok, not great not bad though.

I feel like everyone but me and my mom get to spend Christmas with one of their loved ones.

Sorry but spending it with my mil is not the same. Husband and child. Sheā€™s your mom and grandmother. Sheā€™s my mil