Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Ugh! I feel like I have to yell at you. I wish you would get your hearing checked.

&*#(). We need a car, a cheap car just for around town. I missed out on 2 just barely in the past 2 days. Buying a car these days is nearly as competitive as buying a house.


Hey, subdivision homeowners association board, when you change the way properties with multiple lots are going to be billed, how about sharing that with the bookkeeper? It’s a little hard for me to bill properly if you don’t communicate.


3 days out of pride month and i’m already hearing homophobia from my own family
 to be fair they didn’t stop during pride month tho.

Night two of illegal fireworks. Dog here is wearing her comfort vest and it’s not helping. So far has peed on the floor and is still shaking. Last night my brother’s dog wedged himself under the (very low) Porsche, and brother had to jack up the car to get the dog out. He’s an old dog and went in head first and couldn’t back out. I think he got scared and that looked like a nice safe place to hide.

It is 96 degrees here and the AC is completely broken. Can’t get someone out to fix it until Thursday, and the weather is only getting warmer. Doubt I’ll be able to sleep much the next few nights.



“Penny wise, pound foolish” comes to mind.

One day you will figure out the difference between texting and email. When you want to tell the siblings that you have taken mom to the ER, like you did this morning, a text would have been better than an email. Not everyone checks their email every minute. When you want to send a political video, and send it to 10 people at 11:00pm as a group text, that would have been best as an email. I so did not enjoy the random replies when I was already asleep!

We have tried to explain this to you before, and your reply is always sorry. Please think next time; finding out MIL is in the hospital is worthy of a text, especially since it was during waking hours for all!


Please stop covering up the sign-in box with an ad about joining the site. I’ve left without signing in multiple times out of annoyance, especially after asking mgt to fix the problem.


More whining. Thinking it’s going to be the next sport accepted into the Olympics.

I am so sorry I encouraged you to break up with him. You knew it was a right thing to do, we all did. He was wrong for you on so many levels but now few months later you only remember good things about him and push away other people who want to be with you. If I knew then that it’s going to be so painful for you I would keep my mouth shut. I hope you will meet someone who will make you happy again. I love you so much


1-The. Obsession. Is. Real. :roll_eyes:
2-VS- so edgy. :sleeping:
3- Can’t go down. Won’t go down. Till it does. :boom:
What a time to be alive.

You are racist and homophobic. You are also old and closer to death than me.

Sometimes less is more such as with respect to details in a long-term relationship.

I love my wife.

Easy to see that we have been together for several decades as her normal greeting to me is:

“Give me a hug and tell me that you are sorry.”

I do as told without question.


At least ten people reached out to ask about our status re: Elsa. Was mother-in-law among them? Nope.


Your hubris is astounding. If you were older I’d say it’s a lost cause. But you’re young. It will take you a few decades to humble up. Life will teach you. One can only hope.

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Folks, you’ve got it wrong. They aren’t being restricted, they are just making sure it is done right.

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Ugh here we go again. Same subject and more lecturing. Not interested.


Cocky and smug is not a good look.

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