Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

No, England fan, your team didn’t deserve to win because of all your country has had to endure.

Umm, it’s a global pandemic because it’s “global”.

Denmark had a player collapse with cardiac arrest, maybe you could say they “deserved” to win after all they’ve been through also.

And please stop, sports don’t work that way


I want this over for you dear bestie. I want you to be happy again. This will pass and I will be here and ready to help you enjoy life again.


Grant me the serenity to understand that the mean old lady who is treating my H terribly, and who apparently no longer has any use for me, is not herself. Her mind is not what it used to be. Life isn’t fair, is it?


It really is a nice and well maintained apartment - but since she moved in there have been first bugs, then AC needing repair, and now a leaky roof. They are responsive but you can’t repair a roof if it doesn’t stop raining (which it has now fow 2 weeks straight).

Some damages really are irreversible…

As a new diabetic, I’ve repeatedly told you how to avoid sugar. I’ve written it out, created a food picture group, and have verbally told you the foods and drinks you can and should have. We go through this every time you have an appointment. Please stop the BS that you “didn’t” know and this is all new information. So, I’m sending him a text, to tell him that he needs to review the dietary information with you.
If “brother” had originally said it, you would have dropped to your knees and immediately changed your habits. He doesn’t take you to your appointments. He can’t be bothered to drive you, pick up groceries, pick up a meal, etc. He treats you with contempt, yet you defend every one of his pathetic actions.

Quit being angry with me because I’ve told you the truth. The eldest is your favorite and you would go hell and high water for him. You refuse to acknowledge that he is, and always has been, spoiled and treated in an extremely and overtly advantageous manner. Yet you continue to claim that you treat everyone the same. Is it any wonder that he never married, qualifies for Medicare, and still lives at home? Why do you wonder, out loud, why he doesn’t take you to your appointments?

The rest of us know and we accepted it a long time ago, and have moved on. Please! Begging us to treat him the same and invite him to our homes wont work. None of the husbands and wives tolerate him around our families.

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Every single time you’ve contacted me about a time critical need for information, the answers have been sitting in your email inbox for three to eight months. It’s so clear that you never bothered to read any of them, even though your wife prints them out for you. I’m beyond frustrated but am stuck with you until the project is completed.

On top of that, in the last week I’ve had to pretend that you just had an amazing idea to fix or compensate for some screw up, when in fact it was something I suggested days, or even weeks, ago. If praising you for coming up with a solution is the way to get you to buy into it and take action, I’ll do it every day until we’re finished.

It’s obvious that the pandemic is the cause of some of our delays, but at least as many have been caused by your poor project management and failure to adapt to this environment. How can you act shocked about increased lead times? You were told in January that your preferred suppliers had tripled their lead times, and even those estimates were not met. I’ve asked repeatedly for you to order materials long in advance of your usual timeline. I pay the same day that you send an invoice. I offered to get a conditioned storage unit and to pay for extra labor hours to transport stuff when it’s needed to avoid getting caught short.

We’re not seeing any project scope creep, but just the opposite. We will cut out as much as we can until we’re down to your minimum guaranteed fee, then take care of the rest when you’re no longer involved.


My poor H. He is just so different from his immediate family, and he is currently being peppered with a million questions from his mom & sister. You’d think after almost 63 years, they would accept the fact that he doesn’t want his life examined and discussed. I am not with him to try to redirect the conversations, and judging by his texts, he is ready to explode. I am sending him vibes of great patience over the miles.


RIP, Mom. I can’t believe you’re gone. It happened too quickly. :cry:

I cannot believe how the area has deteriorated in the last few years. It’s time to move out!

Now I know why we were hit with that heat dome or whatever the hell it was called… because the Mariners are actually winning some games! :flushed: can’t believe this team can hit a home run!

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You are judgmental.

Went to church today for the second time since March 2020 (first time was last week). Full house. So nice to see people!
In addition, I have recently heard about a few friends who have new grandchildren on the way and a few who have children’s weddings coming up.
I always enjoy all of this, but even more so now.


Had “other daughter” (D20s kindred soul BFF) here from TAMU for the weekend; first time we’ve seen her in over a year. I missed the laughing, yelling and just general joyful noise. It was the mood boost the whole fam needed. Waterfalls, shopping in cute eclectic shops in local mountain towns, kayaking…lots of food and fun. I have no idea how two small teen girls can eat so much… last night it was “freak” shakes :nauseated_face::joy:


Well, that was a wasted couple of hours I’ll never get back! (On phone trying to get help figuring out how to do estimated state taxes as a new retiree).
I gave up and just estimated what I think is way over the amount, because I DO NOT want to pay penalties or interest.


You always live in the past and you thrive on always being stressed out about something. Most of us live in the present, relax, and enjoy life even when there are trials or things don’t go as planned. Everyone has health issues and times when things don’t go right.

I prefer my way to yours. Suit yourself with what you choose.


It would be so nice if you would minimize the background noise and side conversations when we are trying to concentrate. Pleas stop taking phonecalls and talking to people and your dog!

You’ve been dating for 3 years and have known about this issue for 2.5. He hasn’t changed in that time and has told you he won’t. Finally you just had some of the serious talk you needed to have but you still weren’t upfront about it being a deal breaker for you. He thinks you are The One for him and that you have agreed to a compromise. But you tell me you won’t marry him or move in with him. How many more years before you tell him that? He deserves to know where he stands.


You have been forced to take a leave of absence because you can’t focus on your job with all of your personal problems and you have been notified upon your return, you will be on a 30 day probation. Today, you asked if you can take a week’s vacation during the probationary period. That’s why you have to take the leave of absence and are on probation, you dummy!!


I wish I had a more optimistic view, but I just can’t shake the feeling that things are falling fast.