Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Please set some limits on that little one.

Please donā€™t show up at the airport with a bag that is terribly overweight and then make everyone behind you wait as you painfully slowly transfer stuff to your carry on and then discover itā€™s still 4 pounds too heavy. Ugh. Hard to take at 4:15 am.


One has to wonder what sort of mindset thought this was a good idea:

Thank you Lego for using legal ā€œcease and desistā€ means to put a stop to it, because some people certainly are missing parts of their minds. From the article:

ā€œCulper Precision president Brandon Scott told the Washington Post newspaper that after discussions with a lawyer he decided to comply with the request from Lego.ā€

And apparently, we need another WTH law in the US because itā€™s not obvious to all, similar to the many warning labels needed on everything in this country. From the article:

ā€œIt is illegal in the US to produce a childrenā€™s toy that precisely resembles a real gun, but the laws do not explicitly prevent manufacturers from making a gun that resembles a toy.ā€


Iā€™m just so sad for my kids.


Holy cow! Just saw car prices were up 44% last month?! Was looking but thankfully no rush on my part.


Dear lady sitting in the chair in the elevator lobby in my hotel. Did you notice that there are rooms right next to you? Do you know that I can hear every word of both sides of your speakerphone conversation from inside my room?

Glad I got my passport renewed. Started the renewal in Feb. They lost my application and old passport somehow, so I had to resubmit (thankfully I had another old expired passport to use). Finally received my new passport two weeks ago.


How in the heck do I write a eulogy for my mom that does her justice? Ack. I have two daysā€¦


Feeling jealous of people in real life and not real life who seem to have lots of time for things like DIY home projects, cleaning/paring down, and all sorts of stuff that I canā€™t seem to ever find the time to do, even though I want to! Time is such a commodity.


Well, it doesnā€™t seem to matter whether mil is at my home or I am at hers. The expected M.O. is for me to wait on her.


You are such a drama queen. I know this one isnā€™t your fault, but it always comes down to revolving around you, doesnā€™t it.

You held a woman against her will and assaulted her. The police caught you red-handed. And you are now free on ā€¦ $500 bail?! Just wow.

I am so sad this evening. One of my bridge playing buddies who is smart and so much fun to be with has been diagnosed with Alzheimerā€™s Disease. She is just a couple of years older than me. She has been a bit forgetful lately, but I didnā€™t expect the diagnosis this quickly. :cry:

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Iā€™m holding my breath and keeping my fingers crossed.


I think these friendships are over. And I am sad.


Chicken!! Biggest yellow-belly in the West!

Come onā€¦please, please let this be a good news day.

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I am so glad I donā€™t have skin in the game for the 2021-2022 college admission season. That is all.


Random acts of kindness or generosity are so easy, and often so appreciated.


It is such a small thing, it really shouldnā€™t bother me, but it does, so I would appreciate a little understanding. Each pillow on the sofa has 4 sides, one of which has a zipper. Would it really be that hard to put the zipper side down when you move the pillows almost nightly? It has gotten to the point I almost wonder if you do it on purpose; you are too smart to not remember how they go, or notice that the zipper is showing on the top.