Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

“Vegan leather” is a great euphemism for plastic. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Another chicken?! Scheduling conflict will not let the high bidder fly into space with Bezos. That must be some very important event to trump space travel…:joy: Bill, is that you?

/off to check the court docket to see if there is anything scheduled for the Gates’ divorce…/ LOLOLOL!!


Thought to self:

Sometimes it is better to keep thoughts to oneself.


Oh, thank goodness your covid test is negative. I couldn’t take another cancellation of these plans.


I know you aren’t fussy, not a makeup person (neither am I), but that white hair makes you look 80 instead of 60.


Another plea for positive outcomes for you my beloved, amazing bestie. You deserve all that is good.


Today I am falling apart - itchy bug bites on my feet, itchy poison ivy on the back of my knee, blister on my heel, sunburnt shoulders, and pain in my knee (the other stuff is new -the knee pain is for past week).

Yo, millennials and the following generations, when you enjoy your meal out, please don’t forget to tip your waiter WELL. These folks endured a lot during the pandemic, and they still have to deal with stuff like irate public and other crap.


You. Are. Exhausting.
I can not imagine what dealing with you IRL is like.
Actually, scratch that. I can.

Well, if I would have known the offer was no longer the same, I might not have driven 20 minutes each way to get it done. Complaint or no complaint, that’s now the question.

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Dad, you just cannot put this much stuff into your new 1,100 square foot retirement unit. And no, you can’t take everything and then see what fits best. That’s why you hired a company to organize the move. They figure out what will fit and then put everything in place. Ugh. It’s going to be a long week.


Anyone else on here thinking what I am thinking while watching that 18 year-old son of a CEO going into space this morning? “That Dad will do ANYTHING to get his son into an Ivy” :thinking:


Dear friend, you will be missed so much. I wish you could read the lovely tribute from your children. Maybe you would have chosen differently.

Sexism is alive and well, in case you were wondering. The Norwegian women’s volleyball team was fined for wearing shorts rather than bikini bottoms. You cannot convince me that bikini bottoms are required because they are necessary for the athletes.


Dear Nordstrom,
Telling me my item is canceled several days after I placed the order is very frustrating.


The title of this thread should be, “Sir, this is a Wendy’s.”

Why yes I do think I trashed a $60 prescription by mistake.
And now it’s found - YAY!


Mr. Builder, I explained that system to you at least four times and, once again, a sales rep from a supplier wants to sell you something else. He said it’s just as good and you believed him, so I had to explain yet again. You seemed to get it today, I just hope you don’t forget tomorrow.

If your subcontractor can’t install the system we want, then have him give us the same basic, code minimum one that he usually does and we’ll replace it after things get back to normal. Your fee will shrink accordingly.

You’ve already cost yourself at least 20% of what you could have made because you failed to recognize the impact of the pandemic on lead times. Just your screw up outside had a ripple effect that has eliminated 15% of my total budget for you.

A post was split to a new thread: Loneliness in college kids

But the real life school counselor told your kid to they had to take the class to be competitive with the top kids—so it does not matter that you came on CC and got different advice that it was “fine” to not take it and still compete for top schools. Why wouldn’t you listen to your real-life conselor that you and I both know has the best intentions for kid and also a great track record? Stop emailing me asking for the same advice if you aren’t going to listen.