Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Found out this morning that another HS classmate is gone…she is the 6th since early May…

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Interesting thought: If I had $5 for every international student with good stats and full financial need who posts, my kid would no longer qualify for FA…


I’m tired.


People have lost their ever-lovin’ minds.


Can’t believe it’s going up again.


I don’t want to lose my Mom. But I also don’t want her to suffer. Not sure this diagnosis will make her remaining years easy.

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I worked at home today for the first time since May. I feel refreshed. It’s remarkable. I must return to my goal of working from home one day per week.


The contactless card for MasterCard (I did not request the contactless one) requires you use a chip purchase first to activate! I have not used a chip for 1.5 years and just use a strip at a gas station. Smart thinking MasterCard!

There’s some sneaky stuff afoot in the land.

So I fasted for over 12 hours and twitching because I can’t have my morning coffee and you didn’t call in my orders for bloodwork?


Biting my tongue clear through these days. The plan was for H to bring his mom up to her cottage, and his sister would take her home. Suddenly plans changed to his S taking her both ways, and her H, son and son’s GF (and maybe her D?) are coming. You took away my H’s time alone with his mom, and you took away his ability to structure the trip in a way that worked for our kids. MIL gets to see SIL’s family a lot, since they live a couple hours apart. You couldn’t give H a few days for his family? I am so tired of him (and our family) being the third wheel. I have to be there when they arrive (I will be the maid, readying their vacation cottage). It’s going to be hard to be pleasant, but I have to find a way.

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What do you mean my snowflake isn’t perfect?
It’s so hard to hear when your child is judged “negatively,” even if they’re fully self-supporting adults, and you can see it yourself.


My opposite political opinion dad highjacked my moms social media joking how he was put in “social media jail” again for “defending himself”. I jokingly commented why this is why his opposite opinion daughter doesnt follow him on social media. My dad knows this. A “friend” of my moms proceeded to write how Im racist, disgusting, want my parents to die, and need to “wake the he** up”. I just replied that I didnt want to see my parent arguing with strangers. Um, thanks for defending my dad but also thank you for proving my point at how someone with their own agenda can completely misinterpret a single sentence not even written about them.

Sitting on the deck, looking out at the water, drinking a Campari and soda. This is why I retired.


I just found out about another kid having big emotional/mental health issues this past year as a freshman on a college campus. My own grown up kid is still adjusting - I am sure she has pandemic PTSD. Our mental health has taken such a big hit during the pandemic.


Why I dislike the gym.


Aloha shirts are not symbols of fascism (ask Hawaii residents). Lightning bolt is not a symbol of fascism (ask Tampa Bay hockey fans, for example). Shut up please. Go light a tiki torch where sunlight does not shine.


You need and deserve a good news break today. Please let it happen.


People are more than just numbers. How tedious it must be to live with you! :sleeping:

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Big sale at Lowe’s. Perfect for those kids moving into a dorm for the first time. :rofl: