Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Yep. Segregation helps. People are indeed losing their minds. And out. Beach awaits. :beach_umbrella:

Thank you for the perspective smack, son. I needed that.


Ugh - out of practice in sending goody boxes to my daughter. Shampoo popped open and got all over other stuff in the box. I used to tape those things close, pack them in seperate ziplock bags, etc. Where is my brain these days?


Oh dearest daughter, my heart, I really love this guy you are seeing. It hasn’t been a very long time for the two of you, but he is even comfortable talking to me on the phone. He obviously adores you and he seems amazingly mature for just a few years older than you, with a good career. A mensch! Although I am not superstitious, not at all, I am knocking on wood!


NBC, your coverage of the Olympics is awful.


I’m so glad he married you. You are so much fun!


Individuals without a sense of humor scare me.

Many studies reveal that a sense of humor is correlated to high intelligence and to emotional intelligence. (Easy to google: Recent studies at Stanford,Harvard,and the Univ.of New Mexico pop up first.)

Folks who are “wound too tightly” need to recognize the signs & take a break.

The brightest individuals whom I have ever known often use humor to test intelligence,maturity, emotional (eq) intelligence, and as a way to break down barriers. (In my experience, this technique is used often by judges and by law professors.)


Through my many decades of experience, I have learned to respect those who selflessly care for others and those with a good,gentle sense of humor. Most satisfying is when one meets a person with both qualities.


Halfway through my 8 hour layover. You can drink only so much rum.


What a lovely long weekend with S and his GF. Lots of beach time, outdoor restaurant time, porch time, and just really getting to know her, more than we’d been able to during pandemic days. Such a lovely young woman, and she likes my boy! Hope this is permanent! (Think it probably will be
don’t tell anyone I said so. :slight_smile: )


I really didn’t think we’d raised a nitwit, but there you are, refusing to look at the apartment because you don’t like the carpet. It also doesn’t have MICE or a bathroom from 1934, or a leaking kitchen, or two flights of stairs. OMG I do love you, but you are exasperating.


You finally shipped 15% of the order, didn’t tell me you were only shipping part of the order and failed to mention that the rest is scheduled to be shipped next week. Your policies provide very little time in which to report a problem with order shortages or defects, yet you your email address is for outgoing emails only and you only answer your phones during a brief window M - F. When I finally heard back from a CSR, she acted as if I should have somehow known that the rest of the order will be on its way soon.

This has dragged on too long. If I don’t have the full order within two weeks, I’ll let my credit card company deal with you. I’ve been patient about delays, but I am not patient about a total lack of communication.

Scary incident just now. There’s a highway entrance ramp near our house that’s very short. The kind that you usually end up driving a short ways on the shoulder before being able to merge. This afternoon, there was an IDIOT parked on that shoulder! He had been out of the vehicle and was coming around the side to open his door! During the peak of tourist season in Maine! Thank God I was able to merge in time. It was truly horrifying. :rage:

It sometimes seems we like to punish our customers rather than help them.

Neighbor, you’ve been out there for well over an hour. If you want to harvest oysters on your tidelands after heat and low tides decimated the supply this summer, have at it. The rest of us want to leave them alone and allow what’s left to grow and multiply (never mind that oysters in the summer are gross).

Anyway, please stay off our tidelands!


You are 180 degrees different than me, and you are delightful.


Are you really looking for advice or just another place to brag?


A tornado hit about 2-3 miles from my house last Saturday night. We were fortunate, because we didn’t have property damage. But we lost power until last night, just got internet/cable back within the past hour, and still don’t have cell service. Weird how vulnerable that makes me feel. Oh, and because these storms are becoming more frequent, we’ll be ponying up for a backup generator. (We’re on a well, so losing power takes in a special problem for us! No water, can’t flush toilets 


No! Just because you think we need to “honor” our friend, doesn’t mean it’s OK to ask her if she thinks she can handle that part of the Appalachian Trail. She has Alzheimer’s. She doesn’t need “will power” to attempt it. You don’t understand that she will soon forget how to do EVERYTHING, and she is well on her way to that stage. I will not go on that hike if you and her husband take her on it. I literally cannot handle any more crises at this point.


A reminder

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