Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Hotel bill so far <$10000. The last eight weeks are the most expensive and most horrible non-vacation I’ve ever been on. Plus the hospital still restricts visitors to 3-9PM.

You leave for your junior year of college two weeks from today and you don’t even have a clue where you’re going to live or how much it will cost. Why doesn’t that stress you out like it does your family?


DH is a rock of stability, caretaking and wisdom for so many people, but underneath, he is bone-tired and has symptoms of PTSD. Please, please people, get vaccinated so my brilliant, sleep-deprived, rapidly aging DH won’t be haunted by the ghost of you.


If you’re going to use your real name on SM, it might be a good idea to keep your illegal activities to yourself.

Mental health is health. Period.

Thank you Simone for your bravery. You are a winner in the most important game of all. Take care of yourself and go live your best life - you’ve earned it!


I have awarded a gold medal to Simone Biles for knowing and honoring herself - the official ceremony will be in my living room this evening. I don’t expect her to show up and I’m ok with that. Kona the cat will accept the award in her name.


D20: Mom, stop trying to reason with people who don’t want to listen because they made up their minds.

DH: Yeah! You’re just trying to confuse them with the facts.

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Husband, I love you but occasionally I don’t like you very much. :frowning: Please be gentle with me.


Blankety, blank vision issues. I guess I was too sure I had adjusted to them the last 7 years (they’re permanent), but apparently not as I missed getting the “correct” one this morning. Fortunately nothing broke (on me - the rocks, ground, etc, had no worries). The knee should heal after a few days of reminding me it’s there.

Note to self:

Pay attention. Don’t get on autopilot. The next fall could be much worse.


No pasta for you if you’re immunized. Good to know how they feel, because folks will want to avoid restaurants that are so against public health measures.


IMHO NIL is going to take college sports down a slippery slope that won’t be fun anymore.


These people are mad. They are playing with fire. At one point it will stop working. What’s the end goal? Lies, lies and more lies. What a circus. Irresponsible, reckless, almost indecent. :rage:


I miss my mom and my dog. :cry:


Oh god. You are flying to Hawaii, have not had your Covid shot, no test scheduled… what the heck were you thinking?! Thank goodness I talked to you today, otherwise, you and your entire family would have been in giant trouble.


OMG. You suck. You really really suck. Yes, you did ok by me $$$ wise. But you really really shafted my coworker who I think the world of. Do you think I’m not aware of that and it doesn’t have a hugely negative impact on my opinion of you? A few $00 would be nothing to you but you’re willing to screw over a long term and loyal employee. You don’t know me AT ALL if you believe I’m ok with that.

Color me disgusted.


You are both wonderful and infuriating. I do not understand some of your decision-making. I would love to talk to your therapist.

Alarmed=> Confused=>Resolved=> Discouraged=> Isolated=> Committed=>Hopeful=> Optimistic=> Excited=> Relieved=> Dumbfounded=>Shocked=>Disgusted=>PI$$#D!!!

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I’m so discouraged right now trying to make a plan to get the house sorted out. I know I’m on my own doing everything but if you could at least not be obstructive it would help. Whether we move or not we need to get the place repaired including getting the roof replaced and the garage door fixed. And we do need to downsize because we can’t keep up with the maintenance on the house let alone take care of the acre it is on. But when I tried to talk to you about the garage door you immediately went off on me about how I should just throw everything away including all our pictures. I haven’t thrown a single friggin picture away. Or any important documents or car titles. How do you imagine we are going to get the contents of a junk filled 2800 SQ ft house into the much smaller 2 bed house that we need? I’m so frustrated right now. All I am asking is that you don’t make this almost impossible task even more difficult. :angry:


“Watch Boris Johnson’s epic battle with umbrella” - I do not need to watch this, the headline alone made me laugh! :rofl:


Thankful that thread has been closed. You can lead a horse to water and all that stuff…