Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

There are days I wish I had a thicker skin. But most days I’m glad I don’t.


Quotable quote that we really shouldn’t have to quote:

“Money has a way of making people change their minds.”


To the jerk who wouldn’t put his mask on in the airport and told my DH it’s “up to G-d”, um, no, it’s up to the federal government . And g-d would want you to have better manners and care about your neighbor.


I love you, dear H, and I rarely complain about you. But I have to vent this time. You communicated so little on this one that you screwed it up. Luckily, I horned in and fixed things (at least the ones I cared to fix … the ones that affected our kids). You can be such a GUY sometimes.


Humans have grey and white matter in their brains… you seem to have only brown matter. :poop:

(Apologies to the fine educational institution… it is not me! CC automatically highlights the word).


My husband continues to warn me that no good deed goes unpunished. At least one neighbor is happy about the porch pickup freebie that she came to get just a few minutes after I posted. You didn’t know if you’d come Monday or Tuesday, but wanted me to hold it for you and are now mad because you think you replied first and are therefore entitled to it. Grow up.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Tell me about your Viking range

In the words of former Oklahoma football coach Barry Switzer:

“Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.”


I am patiently waiting for the most cliched term “fer sure” to die. It is so annoying. My wait may be quite awhile. The Valley Girl “Like, then I, like, um, was like, going, like…” still rears its ugly head decades later with college age kids.


Scared my wife today.

Hope it was the change and not the result.

I shaved.


You named her what?! You’re not trying harder to breastfeed?! Oh , wait. We have a healthy grandkid in a happy safe family. Carry on!


It’s not an apology when you go on to explain that your angry recrimination stemmed from confusion, as if that justifies the anger. You could have led with a sincere attempt to figure out what happened. “I’m sorry, but…” doesn’t cut it.


If you are an adult homeowner, you should either have a checkbook or use online bill payment. You seem to think it’s no big deal for our volunteer treasurer to take payment by Venmo … well, I think it’s easier for you to pay by check than it is for our unpaid treasurer to track your Venmo payment. Grow up. And I do NOT want to hear “Okay, boomer.” If you are not willing to volunteer to be on the board & do the work, you can just zip it.


A father leaves his handgun out and his toddler shoots himself. I hate that preventable deaths still happen.


That’s the first time I’ve ever heard the use of the phrase, “rising first grader.” :sweat_smile:


Q tips are small, your bathroom garbage can is very big. Missing the can 13 of 13 times consecutively suggests a lack of hand eye coordination that you had not displayed previously (in fact it almost feels deliberate).

Thankfully the gnomes that gather and disposes them on your behalf are on it.

When do you go back to school?


When being politely asked to get your dirty Q tips into the garbage, responding with an ear to ear grin;

“I have a ton of ear wax, I think it’s an ear infection, a symptom of an ear infection is vertigo, because of the vertigo I keep missing the can, I can’t believe you are not more sensitive” seems a bit contrived.

When are you going back to school!


It’s hard enough coming back from vacation. It’s more tough when you return to find that one of your co-workers passed away. She wasn’t technically in my division, but their office shares our suite. We worked together for about 15 years. She was only in her mid 50s and seemed fine the week before I left. She thought she had pulled a muscle. Waited a couple of days and saw a doc. She walked into her MRI and found she had cancer. Gone in a week. :cry:

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One of these folks will be the next Darwin Award winner…