Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I’m getting tired of hearing the ‘supply chain’ excuse. I need a new car. Supply chain problems with chips. I wanted a new easy chair. Six months delay due to supply chain issues.


I find it hard to believe that the Olympics community can keep a straight face when they ban women with “naturally high” testosterone from just a few select events. Seriously, testosterone levels are a greater factor in javelin than they are in those very few select middle distance races. It seems blatantly political, IMO … and how incredibly sexist. It just blows my mind, and I can’t believe it’s not a subject of more discussion among the media. Well, yes, I can (because it doesn’t negatively affect US runners).


Does anyone else think the timing of the next ACT - on September 11th - is unfortunate. It’s the 20th anniversary of this tragedy.


It is grossly unfair and sexist that female Olympic volleyball players have to wear an almost-thong and bikini top while their male counterparts wear a basic tank top and knee-length swim trunks.


I understand there are a variety of reasons for vaccine hesitancy. When I was a new mom my baby experienced a febrile seizure within 24 hrs of vaccination. My husband was out of town on business and we were living in TX with no family nearby.

I still carry the stress from that event even though it was a single incident over two decades ago. I am a cautious person by nature. However I, along with everyone else in my family, chose to get both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Fortunately, no one had an adverse reaction except for soreness near the injection site.

The point I want to “get off my chest” is that while I empathize with vaccine hesitancy, I get angry at the “vaccine defiant”….especially when those individuals masquerade as (vaccine hesitant) having purely altruistic intentions.


By January, pork may become scarce in California due to new pig pen regulations. As a result prices on bacon, ham, pork chops and sausages could skyrocket here.

Another scarcity thing. Cars, furniture, car batteries (the AAA guy told us), chlorine (pool guy), rental cars, jet fuel.

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Most useful line from a country western song:

“If God can forgive me, why can’t you ?”

(Useful when speaking to judges & spouses.)


I knew I’d get caught in the middle of this. I just knew it. And I don’t want to be there.


Well, looks like we can just get rid of those nine folks. Turns out what they rule doesn’t matter anyway. Other departments just ignore and override. What a banana republic…


I’m overreacting. Yeah, sure. Of course that is what you think you misogynistic, patriarchal, old coot.


We are going backwards. Propitious time to quote Depeche Mode. Ahead of their time.


I’m very concerned. My UK family (6 in all) have all been vaxxed, and have now all be diagnosed with the Delta variant - they are young (under 25), a mid-aged (50s) and a senior citizen. They think they may have contracted it while having a brunch together, in a cafe. They are each experiencing different things. Now they are all under one roof, quarantining, even from each other. Hard not to worry from afar.


Mandatory testing even for the vaccinated is going to result in a number of positive tests - asymptomatic, the sniffles thought to be allergies, etc. Allowing some people to work from home while isolating and thus get paid while others have to use up leave time or go to leave without pay status is going to have bad results for already low morale among the lowest paid. The administrators/faculty vs staff divide once again.


I do not understand. You refuse to take your turn at going into our mostly vacant building to do things like sort mail, etc. Yet you have spent more nights away from home in the past year than I have in 10 years. You attend neighborhood potlucks and multifamily campouts. You post photos of all of your family expeditions. You are never home, yet you can’t go to the office? And it wouldn’t frustrate me so much if you were actually doing your work! People like you are why we are all being forced to return to site!


I am so relieved that you decided to visit D & the baby at her house on your way to the cottage, rather than have her drive an hour & a half each way to meet you halfway after you get there. The baby will be a whole lot more fun playing in her own yard rather than being entertained on the patio at a restaurant. Yea!!


You have blinders on and don’t seem to have an iota of awareness of your privilege.


My dear friend, I am so sorry you lost your husband last year and have to navigate life without him. I know you are nervous about driving yourself to Florida this weekend where you live most of the year.

But when our neighbor who has Alzheimer’s tells you that he can hear you yelling and cussing at your dog (all the time, I might add) it wasn’t cool to go after him. That you hope you never talk to anyone in this neighborhood again.

It’s all very sad and I don’t know what to say to help you. Our neighbor who is dealing with her husband’s Alzheimer’s understood and is praying for you.

New college football theme song:

$$$ Money, money, money, money, money. $$$.


A moment today where I stopped and counted my blessings that I have a healthy family. In the waiting room at a medical lab, sitting next to me were a teen girl and her mother. Even with the masks on, I could tell that they must have just gotten news of a serious medical issue with the daughter. It was so sad to see, hours later I am still haunted by them.


Why do Americans, whether on CC or elsewhere, seem especially prone to telling foreigners that “this is how the system works in your country, you just don’t understand”?