Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Wow, son, the mixer you got your GF for Christmas is nicer than mine. Perhaps you should show that picture to your dad… :wink:


Posting photo because I can!!


My favorite walk, from my apartment building to the ferry to Manhattan.


This is fun! The view from my daily morning walk (although this was yesterday when it was nice out.)

I feel very blessed to be able to walk the lake front. It’s kept me sane during Covid.


Only four days until Christmas and I haven’t gotten into the spirit yet. This will be the first time in 23 years that it will be just me and DH Christmas morning, and I’m feeling sadder every day. Next year we should be back to normal, so I’m trying to focus on that.


Call me Scrooge, but for all the hand slaps we get for posting responses on a certain thread where responses are not suppose to happen, can there be a consensus to only have pics that perhaps relate to the “Say It Here” thought???

Wish I could feel the holiday spirit, but it is just not a thing for me this year. It’s the first time ever that I have felt this way. I will do my best to keep my bah humbug to myself.


We are not Scrooges just because we aren’t exchanging gifts. We don’t want any stuff. Gifts are not my love language on any level. Don’t act like I am a terrible person because we don’t buy into the materialism of the holiday.


OMG! I did not expect to open your holiday card to read that your beautiful daughter suicided a month ago :frowning: There is such a high correlation between a history of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and depression. My heart aches for you, dear friend. I know you don’t like to talk on the phone but I hope you will consider one. I have emailed you… and will hope.


This is for Dr. Deborah Birx

Many of us have made those tough decisions. Yesterday my son and dil made the difficult decision to drive halfway, meet her parents in a parking lot, put their gifts in the trunk and drive off.

My dil’s father has Lewy body dementia. He has deteriorated so much in the last year. He used to call all the time, now he mumbles nonsense to himself. Her mom is his sole caregiver. She lost he job in March. My dil has to go into work and her place of business has had double digits of positive cases every week.

Dr. Birx how do you feel that you got to see your grandchildren and your parents? Share a meal with them. FYI it does not take 3 generations and 8 people to winterize your cottage.

I am so angry. Not for myself but for those who have made the painful choice not to see their relatives. And FYI, my dil and her family will not be on the top of the list for a vaccine. My dil is an only child so there is no one else for her parents to lean on.

I’m not seeing my kids, my mom either. But we are doing ok, we keep telling ourselves it’s only one year.


I’m back again :grinning:

I just can’t shake this undercurrent of anger. Anger about this pandemic, anger that my mom will be alone. Anger that my mil is whining despite having one of her children 3 blocks away and checks in with her regularly. Angry that she has a husband but continues to put a guilt trip on my husband. Who has an autoimmune disease and doesn’t live 3 blocks away.

I’m angry that my dil cant see her parents.

I’m angry for my niece that is flying across the country again when they were just here at thanksgiving. Angry that my sil saw their child 4 times since July when she moved across the country.

I’m angry that my daughter gets to go to her boyfriend’s parents for another holiday while his dad complained that they need to go on vacation for 2 weeks with them this summer. I’ve met the boyfriend 2x in two years. And none of their presents are going to make it.

Maybe typing this out will bring my anger down. I hope so. At least my husband relented about going to his parents for Christmas. Where I would have to pretend to be happy about all the other cousins being with their parents.


Having Christmas Eve as my birthday always makes the cake tricky. I remember one year I ended up with a dunkin donut as a birthday cake because we lost track of time and the stores were already closed for the day.
This year it was too early to order, call back in a week. I call this morning and he says they are no longer taking orders. How frustrating. I will be going out now and getting it in person (they say they have them in the store right now.)


I really wish we had a “hug” emoji. I would so love to send virtual hugs to some folks here…


Ben getting a rose is total BS​:rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


We can see that you won’t be doing anything to help those who actually need your help.

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I’m afraid that instead of vaccines being distributed equally in order of importance, that it will be disproportionately distributed to those well connected and well funded


And someone else has been getting snookered based upon your having 12-13K in cash to loan someone while claiming poverty to all of us and living on the dole. I can’t help but wonder what your real stash is over the decades you’ve been doing this.

PSA If you are giving to individuals with “stories,” do your best to confirm the story from someone other than the individual. Undoubtedly some are real. Then there are those who make a living off of it for years. It’s good to give to charity and people in need, but some people make up their problems either intentionally or due to some sort of brain issue. It’s irritating seeing them buying gold coins and other toys while conning people out of $$ intended for good.

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Just. Not. In. The. Mood.


On behalf of some of you out there:

Don’t come home for Christmas
Stay away from me
You don’t feel
Covid is real
Went on a shopping spree

Christmas Eve will find me
Huddled in my home
Don’t come home for Christmas
Leave me the bleep alone


Slightly bittersweet. So many blessings but I’m missing Christmas Eve church candlelight service. Haven’t missed it in probably 25 years since H sings in choir and all family close by. Favorite service of year. Live feed not the same.