Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

REALLY hard not to reply to you, Facebook friend, after you post misinformation about the virus and then your husband ends up hospitalized with COVID and a 65% O2 level. I will take the high road but geez.


ā€œIf vaccines work and you got it, then you shouldnā€™t worry about me not getting it because I canā€™t get you sick if I contract the virus.ā€ This stupidity speaks for itself. :rage:

ā€œ______ College is more arty,ā€ the ubiquitous description of the LAC on which someone feels compelled to comment and about which their knowledge is superficial at best. Iā€™ve been on and affiliated with campuses that truly do have this reputation and even at those places I still donā€™t know that Iā€™ve ever seen or felt ā€œartyā€. There arenā€™t kids rehearsing their lines outside on the green, nobody is painting anything in the quad or throwing a pot where I can see it, I have yet to ever see anybody reading poetry aloud to a circle of people anywhere Iā€™ve been, nor have I ever been cajoled into a theater to watch a play or dance performance. Iā€™m sure itā€™s better to attend Sarah Lawrence over Harvey Mudd if you aspire to the arts, but that advice seems to be unhelpful almost 99% of the time I see it.


Iā€™ve just had it with anti-vaxxers. So sick of the conspiracy theories, excuses and craziness. Donā€™t you understand that if it werenā€™t for you weā€™d be looking forward to a more normal life . . . but, no, now we are looking at more masking, distancing and the like. Iā€™m just so frustrated !!


When do they grow up? Kid who is leaving for Harvard in two weeks just shook out his sandy beach towel in the freshly vacuumed screen room, scattering sand all over the room - floor, furniture, everything. Itā€™s not intentional, itā€™s just totally thoughtless. Along with the never cleaning up after himself in the kitchen, or frankly anywhere in the house. Heā€™s a good boy, the last kid, and I am sure I will cry when he leaves, but do they EVER grow up? His 22 year old sister is no better. As for the oldest, heā€™s moved out, so he lives in his own mess, but at least I donā€™t have to live with it.


I miss you so much already. It indeed appears that your expat life is becoming semi-permanent. Hope we can get there next spring. Itā€™s a lot of fun hanging out with you.


So many assumptions. So many experts. So many lessons. So much need for validation. Who was it that said: ā€œIā€™d rather have questions that canā€™t be answered than answers that canā€™t be questioned?ā€ Ahā€¦exhaustingā€¦


Thatā€™s some pretty strong talk, and you have lots of folks on your bandwagon, but just because you are frustrated does not make it true.


Your sweet little one has been coughing and easily fatigued every time weā€™ve babysat for the last two weeks. Surely youā€™ve noticed. Iā€™m losing sleep over it. Are you going to lie to the pediatrician about your vax status? The truth will not go over well.


I feel bad for the admin staff at the college. No matter what they announce for the fall, people will be mad. The discourse in the FB group is uncomfortable at best with snippy comments about masks, testing, and vaccines. I submitted my questions and now we wait for the presentation. I think my expectations are reasonable but that isnā€™t a comfort since everyone else thinks theirs are, too.


Bye bye Andrew!


ā€œSupporters of the bill insist that considering math and reading essential skills has been an unfair challenge for students who do not test wellā€.

Sorry but not requiring reading and math skills to graduate from high school is not a reasonable solution to improve society for future generations.


Well, I sit here crying and am not even sure why.

I was taking down the last of ds2ā€™s things in his room to finally make it a proper guest room. This clearly was long overdue. I had no idea that behind that poster on the closet door were the last vestiges of the boysā€™ nursery ā€“ four stick-on lambs, a mama duck and two ducklings. I hung those 30 years ago and had forgotten all about them.

Am I sad that the two babies who once lived in this room are now men and live so far away? Am I amazed at the passing of time, as I remember putting them there like it was yesterday? I donā€™t know, but I do know this discovery started a flood of tears.


UGH, so of course I said what she considered the wrong thing. I canā€™t win - I need to not say anything on this sensitive subject.


Yeah, the line has changed. Thank heavens.


Zero interest in what you have to say.

Itā€™s just exhausting.


Can you say one nice thing to him?


Just realized why dogs donā€™t play poker.

They canā€™t bluff.

Their tails give them away.


Why are we paying you an outrageous amount to GC this project? When we agreed, I had no idea that Iā€™d end up doing so much of your job. You canā€™t even remember decisions from one day to the next, so I have to re-explain everything at least twice. Then as soon as you hear conflicting ideas from someone else, you completely forget why weā€™re doing things the way we are and I have to explain again. Once I go over it you seem to understand and agree itā€™s for the bestā€¦only to forget yet again.

Iā€™ve got at least 20 years on you and I can be forgetful at times, especially when stressed and sleep deprived. Youā€™re a bit young for early onset dementia and thereā€™s no indication of substance abuse. Please take notes, use a calendar, review your emails and texts, and try to stay on top of things.

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Oh, my gosh!! I am over the moon. My 24-year-old ds asked for my advice and input!!