Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I am sick of some of my “fellow man.” I don’t want to be part of any tribe that includes such selfish and mean people that I have had the distinct displeasure of running across lately.

First of all, people, YOU are not the only one on the road. Put down your phone. Stop driving in the passing lane if you aren’t going to go faster than the car in the right hand lane. Use your blinkers (I can’t read your mind). Do not stop in the middle of the expressway because you want to change lanes. Don’t sit on my tail when you can clearly see cars in front of me. You don’t have to park your car when making a right hand turn. Etc.

Second, the neighborhood Facebook group is not a place to show what a nasty person you are. I am blown away. Fortunately, you ranted but no one bit.


No my niece. My family will not be attending your wedding since you and your co-worker nurse friends refuse to get the vaccine. I absolutely do not care how mad you might get at my decision. Thank god I don’t live anywhere near your hospital either since I definitely don’t want to be treated by health professionals who don’t believe in science. Good grief!


I am happy to have this thread to fulfill my need to vent this weekend! H’s family needs to learn to communicate. My family is no model group, but we have always been upfront with each other. H’s, not so much. He was supposed to take his mom on a trip, and suddenly his sister was taking his mom, instead, and she made it her family vacation. We did see MIL one afternoon, and H spent a day & a half with her. We went back to see her (3.5 hours each way) yesterday morning to see her off. She complained that the trip was too hard on her, and she was just in everyone’s way. The original plan for H to bring her would have resulted in a very different, more enjoyable experience for MIL. For some reason, my SIL decided to tell me what she hadn’t bothered to tell my H before the trip: My MIL had told her that H decided not to do the trip with her. 100% fiction!!! So she did it. Let’s see … H should have asked why the plans had suddenly changed, and SIL should have asked her brother why he changed his mind. I wish they would communicate. I told H he has to hash it out with his mom. He is hurt that his mom lied. More reason to talk about it.


I have always been amazed at how timeless and applicable to adulthood the advice your parents give you when you go off to kindergarten turns out to be. For example…

If you punch a real bully in the nose they do turn into cowards.


Snopes got ‘snoped’… :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


And another summer is done. I’ve never been good with goodbyes, but when it’s your kid, it’s just worse. I’m happy for him and as proud as can be, but it doesn’t make today any easier. Tomorrow will be better. Sigh.


Please let her job work out…
Please let her job work out…
Please let her job work out…
It’s not a ton of money and it’s not in a hot field or a hot place, but it’s just what she wants and has been trained for.


Got the reaction I expected. Nothing

The marine corps is being so stupid- you want people at work while they’re awaiting the results of a Covid test? What are they thinking???

No, your 5 month old nephew will NOT be carrying the wedding rings at your wedding. Just NO.


Moderator’s Note: Please remember not to use inappropriate language, including acronyms. If the website filters a word in your post with black squares, please go back and edit your post.


NO, you and wife, both unvaccinated, may NOT ride in the car with us to the wake. If you think I’m spending 1 hour+ in a car with you , then you’re CRAZY.


Sigh. I just don’t think we are on the same page with this house selling/buying chapter. You expect to be able to sell our house so less than perfect but you expect a house we look at to be perfect with no needs for the next 30 years. It’s hard for me to let this one prospect go without a little more deep dive.


This is the only place I can vent about this . To all the faculty and staff at my university taking 2 week vacations that end right on the last day before classes start - what are you thinking? There was June/July and early August to do this.
I guess the rest of us fools who weren’t clever enough for this maneuver will simply pick up the extra load that happens right before classes start??? Many universities specifically prohibit scheduling vacations like this. It’s time for ours to do the same.


I cannot un-see that airport scene in Afghanistan. :cry:


Real estate craziness is no joke - the house I’ve been eyeing in a potential retirement destination went up 100K in about 7 weeks!


Note to self: always help those who help you. And those who don’t, well, help them, too. :woman_shrugging: :sunflower:


Why did you pay for concierge medicine when you refuse to call the doctor now that you are sick?


Best friend called last night. Her mom (68) was just diagnosed with anaplastic thyroid cancer. It’s spread to distant areas. Super aggressive. Super rare. Chemo starts today. No words.