Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

STRANDED (Adjective)

Left without the means to move from somewhere.


Hey, power company: Do you seriously think that people are going to believe that the outage reason is ā€œwind damage?ā€ There is no wind, no rain. I should sue you for the cost of installing a standby generator, which we need because we lose power so often.


Stop sending me private messages about religion. I already stopped responding to the political messages about how one side is Godly and righteous, and the other side is pure evil. Do you realize how ridiculously manipulated you sound? Now youā€™re sending me messages about locusts, plagues and the end of times. Iā€™m thinking the next time you try to educate me about Satan, Iā€™m going to respond by sending you Dana Carveyā€™s Church Lady video.:smiling_imp:


Stop interfering and let them figure this stuff out on their own!!


GTFV. Moron.


Maybe traveling to a war zone isnā€™t a good idea?


No you are not. Someone has falsely taught you that you are.

Watching college admissions videos and getting tired of the same buzz wordsā€¦ā€¦the same script for all colleges it seems.


If I hear ā€œunprecedented timesā€ one more time Iā€™m murdering the speaker.


I was in three different shopping areas in the past few days. Every store of every kind (restaurants also) had a help wanted sign in the window.


I am at home this semester to address personal health issues. Looking forward to some rest and restoration. Took my last kid to college last week and this is my first week off. Iā€™ve lived in this house on a short, quiet street for nine years, with a vacant lot across the street.

Today construction began on a new house across the street.

Iā€™m so unhappy! I have no choice but to listen to and deal with the construction noise and filth, during what I had expected to be months of quiet and healing. Today theyā€™re grading the lot and throwing down multiple dump truck loads of gravel. Dust is everywhere, including inside, and my car is a mess. The trucks beeping as they back up, the noise of multiple excavators, the smell of diesel, and the workers yelling and playing music are already getting to me. Trucks keep pulling into my driveway to maneuver into the lot. Theyā€™ve already trashed the driveway with tire marks.

Of all the times in the past nine years for the lot be be built out, why does it have to be now? :sob:

Edit: typos - I blame them on aggravation!

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I mourn the loss of those brave souls who lost their lives today trying to ensure the safety and freedom of their fellow Americans and allies. I also pray for all those innocent Afghan civilians who were harmed while in pursuit of a better life.

G-d rest their souls!!


I thought I have heard everything about diet fadsā€¦ Guess not. I canā€™t believe people are THIS stupid.

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S and his family havenā€™t been to my house since December, 2019. They live 15 hours away in FL. They welcomed a new baby in October of last year and I finally got to meet her in late May when I flew to FL. His dad and step-mom were in FL in February and got to see them for a short outdoor visit. Because S & DIL were unvaccinated at that time, as were his dad & step-mom who were taking some chances, S insisted on low risk visit. Iā€™m not sure he even let them hold the baby. Sā€™s 90 year old grandmother has yet to see the baby. They were supposed to come in July, but pushed back and were planning to fly up next week. Now they have (responsibly) cancelled because his state and mine are both red-hot with the delta variant. I support their decision fully, but I AM SICK of paying for the choices of others who wonā€™t make responsible decisions. Vent over.


I wish the ā€œhugsā€ emoji didnā€™t have a smile on it. Iā€™d like an emoji thatā€™s a condolence hug, not one thatā€™s a happy hug.


It really saddens me to learn that the Boston Public Library was the victim of a cyber attack.


Why is there a thing about taking picture of oneā€™s feet at a beach. Most peopleā€™s feet are rather ugly, I donā€™t need to see them. I would rather see your face. Totally ruins the beautiful beach backdrop.


One week since saying goodbye to S21. So far so good. No tears but do miss the little bugger. The pix he sends show such happiness on his face and on the othersā€™ that it reassures us that life is unfolding well for him. Relief.