Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

It’s nice to read uplifting things. Thank you to the anonymous person who paid for the funerals of the Tennessee flood victims. They didn’t know the victims or their families. What a blessing they are.


Don’t glom onto my thread (BTW, not a CC message board - somewhere else)!! Start your own thread! Your issue is similar yet still distinct from mine, and now everyone is responding to you and ignoring me. Frustrating.


It’s possible to appreciate that we have it so much better than people in so many other countries AND be honest about our shortcomings. The two are not mutually exclusive.


OMG people of NOLA, please be safe!


I am so sad my list of widow friends is growing.


Dh and I are doing a deep clean of the office. It was fun until I hit a folder labeled “personnel stuff.”

I found a performance review by an old boss that said that I need to work on my attitude toward a second boss. Also in that folder was a racist email that second boss sent me. All these years later I am so angry, probably angrier, truthfully, than I was at the time, a time when we were conditioned to blow off that kind of thing. I am FB friends with the boss who gave me the performance review and might bring it up to her. She wasn’t wrong that I didn’t care for the second boss, but she didn’t know some of the reasons I didn’t like her.


And just like that, another summer ends…

Thinking of all the parents of Tulane students today. I imagine many/all evacuated but still very stressed I’m sure.


Will wonders never cease. The lone holdout family member actually got their first vaccination today. Don’t know what happened to prompt this, but I am very happy that they did it.


Lost a friend today from HS. Always one of the nicest people. Chiropractor with strong views about many things, and unfortunately that included being a strong anti-vaxer.

Another classmate is a nurse at the hospital to which he was admitted. She reports he was at Glacier National Park a month ago. And was begging for help the last several days. I wish there were one person I could blame this all on … it would be so much easier to channel my anger.


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I wish more plastics manufacturers would make the recycle triangle bigger so I could easily identify what the number is. Also wish there were more #1 & #2 plastics in place of so many #5. #recyclingfrustrations


Is it true that service dogs were left behind ?

If true, then this is outrageous.


I used Ivermectin this morning!!!

Just as I have oodles of times before - worming my ponies. Never thought it would cause me to want to shout it out, but there you have it. One never knows.

There’s no way in the world I’d think of ingesting that stuff myself. Even if I got worms I’d head to the doc for a “made for humans” prescription to get rid of them.


deleted for privacy reasons

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To my soon to be ex sister in law.

You are the one who wanted the divorce after 30 years. He’s the one heart broken. Never any abuse, never any infidelity. Incompatibility.

Why are you intent on revenge? He wanted to go to counseling, wanted to make this marriage work.

If you were so miserable in this marriage and want out, I get it. But why you are mad and want more than your 1/2 of everything, that I don’t understand.

But please let this be settled soon, so everyone involved can move on. And he’s not trashing you to the kids, stop trashing him.

We are genetic acquaintances because our fathers happened to be brothers. The last time I heard a peep from you was a decade ago. You didn’t even have your kid send a thank you note for their graduation gift. Now you are dropping off that kid at college and think you want to stop by the cemetery where our grandparents are buried but you can’t find the right row. Maybe it is because they are buried in a different state than the one where you are standing.


At last. Elevator replaced in my apartment building; last day of service for old elevator was 6/7/21; first day of service for brand new one, yesterday 8/30. I live on the 4th floor (plus lobby). Ask me how I know it’s 60 steps up to my floor!


I am glad the bridal shower is being hosted at someone else’s house. And I hope the weather is nice and we can all be outside. Especially because the bride’s grandmother is an anti-vaxxer and I am glad I don’t have to host members of the crazy train in my home. I really, REALLY hope no one fights the “masks must be worn both indoors and outdoors” policy of all the hosts.


Please let the repair person be able to fix our 20 YO built in fridge on Tuesday, when they finally can come to our house, or soon after. If not, please let one magically appear at a relatively reasonable price somewhere close by, and soon. ‘Thank you…