Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Wow—wait on hold 1 hr and 20 minutes, then you come on phone and verify we have a problem and you need to send a technician and can only tell us he will come sometime tomorrow between 9am and 5pm and will call 30 minutes before arrival. Isn’t that a rather huge window?

It’s so odd that when people call our home they get a recording that they’ve reached the Honolulu Social Security Office. I’m very curious how the technician will fix this as it seems something that needs help from your end.

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Oh, my gosh, I think we got the best puppy in the world. What a sweetheart.


You are so off the rails. Stupid idiotic jerk.


Shhhhh. I have turned dh on to my Buy Nothing group. He is tearing through the garage looking for things to post and chatting up people who come by to pick stuff up. Win-win for me!!! I get a cleaner garage and an occupied retired dh.


Thank you H—you fixed it! Now I don’t have to deal with phone company again. That was NOT FUN being on hold > 80 minutes and then again when trying to cancel trouble call. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I just found out that a former student was murdered last year. His roommate shot him during an argument. These were two 50 year old men, not hotheaded kids. I feel sad.

Got my third Covid shot today. I’m immunocompromised, so this means a lot to me.


This is why I cried in 2016.


When’s the last time you saw good rendition of “Sunshine of Your Love” or “You Really Got Me” or “Message in a Bottle” among other great hits. I did last night. Saw a band named “The Brit Pack” that takes you down memory lane with songs of the British Invasion from the 60s to the 80s. It was such a fun energetic show. If you have an arts council in your community that puts on events like this I would encourage you to have them seek these guys out. They are based out of New York City.

P.S. I have no ties to them other than that the wife and I were shown such a great time last night.


It’s not just in Afghanistan that women are losing rights.


We have to cancel our daily newspaper. It is just too expensive, now $550/yr for a pretty poor product.

I think this is the first time in 86 years my mother will live in a house without daily newspaper delivery. Often, our house got 2 papers every day (the local and the regional), and when we lived in Baltimore, got 3 every day.

I’m very sad. I like the puzzles.


Amusing to see you fighting over something that no one wanted just a year and a half ago! :wink:

I’ll bet you just gloat when you deny a claim. Probably takes a real special kind of person to work doing that. “Oh, you didn’t cross that “t” …claim denied!!!”.

You, another you, is just plain stupid. It’s embarrassing.

This environment is just horrible. I despair.


I’m surprised that people are surprised.

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That book I use as a guide to living like I believe I should sure gets used by some in a whole different way than I suspect it was intended to be used.


Getting tired of clicking off these pop up ads.


The problem is not that one party knows how to use power better than the other. The problem is that what we actually need is leadership.


My mom has been getting ~150 audio tapes from our childhood digitized. Most of them are us playing piano and other musical instruments. It’s been so much fun to listen to the progression. But today she posted one with my grandfather thanking us for a tape we made him for his birthday. He was the best grandfather a girl could ask for. It’s been almost 25 years since I’ve heard his voice, but I still remember it perfectly. Wow. What a gift this Friday afternoon.


Spending 3 days researching and going to appliance stores for a new fridge and still not having any better than a least bad option is very frustrating.
Doing so on some of the nicest days lately makes it even worse.