Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Just another day. And a rainy one, at that.

One package. We sent all of one package this Christmas season and it was only from PA to NY. It was supposed to arrive Dec 18th, so had a week extra to make it on time. Someone needs to tell me why it had to take a vacation in Tallahassee, FL until the 17th and got put on a dogsled or similar back to NY. (sigh)

Happy takeout dim sum and chinese food day to all!!!


Second time the UPS person hasnā€™t even made a token attempt to knock on Dā€™s door to get a signature for a birthday present. I appreciate that theyā€™re slammed this year, but cā€™mon.

Also, I had a dream that I desperately needed medicine and it turned out that Joe Biden was my pharmacist. And Kamala Harris was working in the back preparing prescriptions for other people.


Hope your 30 person Christmas gathering is worth it. Hope none of you get Covid as a gift. Please donā€™t spread your cheer my way. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Hard seven days that ended well here. Whew! If anyone asks why I workout, I should answer to have the stamina to get through the tough times. Happy to be a slug today.


A 13 hour power failure? I really needed that. Merry Christmas 2020.


Just tried taking some selfies by the Christmas tree. Good heavens, when did I get to be so old?! I need some filters on these pictures ā€¦ I think I will keep wearing a mask as long as possible in public. Oh, well. Better old than the alternative.


Things I heard in my family video call

Relative who is going to a state where they ask you to quarantine 14 days
ā€œIā€™ve been a hermit for days, Iā€™ve been isolating to go to blankā€™s house. And once I get there we wonā€™t be going anywhere.ā€œ
On their Instagram-pictures of them partying with multiple friends at their home. One picture looked to be a bar.

Another relative
ā€œWe just went over to blankā€™s house. We sat across the room from them and didnā€™t hug them.ā€
6 different households getting together

And Iā€™m the bad guy for being resolute in staying home.


Whole Foods, when I ordered 5 lbs of crabs and shrimp, steak, pork, corns from you, and you fulfilled the order with just steak & pork it is not complete. When I complained you said, ā€œOh, let me give you $10 as a credit for you inconvenience.ā€ Really?! Not the first, but probably will the last. You just suck.


How is it we both have styes on our eyes at the exact same time?

You want to get together with us, but canā€™t do it today because youā€™re going to a wedding?!!

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Hon, we might consider your criticisms of how we parented you once you have children and have raised them to adulthood. Good luck!


Iā€™m thankful that we have zoom and facetime ā€“ itā€™s certainly helped these last many months. But so far I havenā€™t seen my granddaughter in person for half of her life. This is getting really painful.


If weā€™re going to complain about endless scrolling, can we limit our own lengthy quoting from someone elseā€™s post? (We could edit the quote to focus and make the reference tidier.)


Found out while helping a new coworker figure out how to print her paycheck stub that her starting salary is a bit more than I currently make after 3 years. I came with years of experience, she had just a bit; my manager didnā€™t even want to hire her, and told me as much, but wanted to fill a seat quickly.

While I was planning to ask for a raise other than our usually 3% cost of living raise, I can not mention I know what this woman is paid. It isnā€™t so much how much I make, it is that this person I have been left to train is earning more than me. This after I hear over and over again what a huge asset I am, and how it is know how much I do, picking up the slack.

I feel better now letting that out! My husband only halfway listened, and then replied I should have asked for a raise last year. Thanks dear.


I donā€™t tell you to sell or trash the furniture/appliances youā€™re actively using, so stop suggesting I trash or sell mine.

Why are you investing time in such research? Shouldnā€™t you spending more time late at night thinking about your own house and family? You inherited close to a million dollars this year - go think about that.

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What a year.

About two weeks ago I got a cold sore on my mouth. Ouch. I used Abreva ā€“ a wonderful product, if anyoneā€™s interested -.- and it went away after just a few days.

About a week ago I got a cold sore on my nostril. I was out of Abreva, so it lasted longer ā€“ about a week.

I am now getting herpes around my eye. I had this first in 1992, and it was awful. Lasted about six weeks and left a tiny bit of residual damage ā€“ nothing that most people notice, thank goodness. I hope this turns out to be minor, small, contained, and quick. Iā€™ll be calling my ophthalmologist first thing in the morning. :weary:

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Dear MIL, it hurt my feelings when you told me you didnā€™t think my D was cute when she was a baby. But it really upset me today when you told D that itā€™s hard to tell what her new baby is going to look like, but you hope she is better looking than D was as a baby. Seriously, woman?! I love you but ā€¦ sometimes I wonder if you have any idea how hurtful you can be.

Got my stimulus money. Iā€™ll take it.