Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Yes, that coach was a witch. And she was fired.

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41 years later and you still canā€™t figure out my name???


Just need a break


I hope you can make the magic happen this week.


Please donā€™t call or email with any more requests from the buyer. I already agreed to delay closing beyond the contract. Heā€™s been such a flake that I still have doubts about closing and I am not disposed to doing him more favors.

If by some miracle he gets his act together and we close, do not contact me with any questions about the house. Iā€™ve left every ownerā€™s manual I have, a list of websites where he can find more information, and a list of every service provider whoā€™s worked on the house. After closing, the property is his and no longer my concern.


What I really, really, really wanted to post to a friendā€™s FB page (friend and her immediate family are vaccinated):

Dear friends and family of K,

Kā€™s mother, her brother, her brother-in-law, and now her sister-in-law have all died of Covid in the last year. Please stop sharing your sympathy and prayers and get yourselves to a vaccine clinic! How many people have to die needlessly? How much pain and suffering do you all want to cause for your loved ones? Get the d*** shot!


I was surprised by the lack of sales people in the mall today. I had to walk all over Macyā€™s to find someone, and it was clearly a manager. I REALLY wanted to tell him to pull up his mask, but I didnā€™t.
Even Nordstrom seemed to be short some people.


My predictions for Holiday Retail are as follows:

Consumers return to the mall to find (1) no stock or (2) no salespeople.

Then, they return home to place online orders that may crush us (as with early Covid) and there will be much disappointment about delivery times. Iā€™m looking at you already USPS.


This current time in history will go down as a time when lay people all of a sudden became medical/immunization experts and spent oodles of time earning that badge. Accurate or not, ā€œeveryoneā€ is an expert.

Part twoā€¦

I wish that Americans (canā€™t speak for other countries!) would take as much interest and action in other facets of their health beyond COVID - how about spend some time and energy to lose weight, exercise, eat better, lower blood pressure/cholesterol, etc.??? More than vaccines help keep you alive and well.


If the purpose of a website is enhanced by the number of log ins, making the process as smooth as possible without irrelevant hoops to jump through is worth considering.

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Do. Your. Job. And as an FYI, your job is not undermining the other side in order to gain/increase/retain power. You need to work together & figure this out.


Interesting to see the demands some want to place on others.

I absolutely despise that old goat. Among others. Ugh.


Daughter ruptured her achilles on Friday during first week of official practice. Sheā€™d been doing so well in the gym but alas senior season not to be this year. Prayerful surgery will go well and she will be back to 100% in 6 months. While certainly up to her, goodness I hope she takes that fourth year of eligibility next year. Selfishly, Iā€™d like a last routine with a proper sendoff into the great student-athlete yonder. Just devastated for her, for us all.

Waitā€¦.you maxed out your credit card? And you think you should get another one?

And I thought only veterinariansā€™ patients would bite their doctorsā€¦ humans are not supposed to behave like rabid dogs or cats.


Iā€™ve been wondering for some time if no one ever explained the concept of beating a dead horse to you.


I am really looking forward to getting away, but am just not into trying to pack for this trip.
Itā€™s also a bummer that it looks like it may rain the first 2-3 days of our outdoor biking trip. Hopefully that will change or the rain will hold off til evening/overnight.

Been binge watching ā€œSuitsā€ and halfway into Season 3 I have decided a better name for this show would be ā€œFoldersā€.

So a few years ago a woman I (barely) knew decades ago in high school friend requested me on FaceBook. OKā€¦After never once reacting to any of my posts or commenting on them today she pulls up something I posted months ago and tries to goad me into an argument! I didnā€™t take the bait. Time to ā€œunfriendā€.