Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I’m so disappointed for you. You’ve been so, so careful during covid, masking, distancing, vaccinated. You have followed all the rules, and then some. I don’t think your school did anything wrong letting students eat lunch unmasked outside. But the fact that you were exposed to covid two days ago, which likely means that you can no longer attend the wedding, which is the one thing you have been eagerly anticipating the last six months, is hard. I wish I could be angry at the girl who came to school symptomatic and exposed your entire friend group, but I’m just sad.


You probably should have used a realtor. You advertised your house as having municipal water & sewer at the street … but neither is true. Do you not know this after three years in the neighborhood? I see that you have a sale pending. I hope you don’t lose the sale when the inspector clues you in that the house is on well & septic and that there is no municipal water or sewer available.


This may not survive review, but I hope the senators from both sides of the aisle who are advocating for permanent daylight saving time are eventually victorious. I am dreading the time change this weekend.


I am sad to come to this realization, but I honestly have nothing in common anymore with one of my oldest friends. Just nothing at all. It bothers me, but it’s no longer worth salvaging.


Happy Guy Fawkes Day! Every Nov 5th, I recall fond memories of when my 3, 4 and 6 year olds were attending a posh, girls prep school in South Kensington, London. The eldest would recite the full poem for a few days “Remember, remember the Fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot…” Hearing my little girl tell this gruesome English story passed down from 1605, I would just shake my head, smiling, bewildered at how different their lives were to mine at the same age, when I lived in a poor, tiny town in Indiana.


Watching the Colin Powell funeral and bawling my eyes out. His son’s eulogy was excellent. Look it up once it’s posted online.


Old Job #1: Yeah, that’s a good idea, but we don’t have that information. We kind of do? But nobody’s updated it in years. Check back in a few months.
New Job #2: Yes, this thing you sent is exactly what we need! Hey, can I get that other thing we talked about 22 hours ago? I know you’re part time, but I’d like to get it in front of clients now.

And that’s why I’ve got a new job. Well, that and the money and the whole area the new job’s in. Holy crap, I’m alive again.


So, what were you going to do if I had been unavailable? I don’t mind helping you out, and I am glad you are asking me early, but I seriously doubt you had a Plan B had my answer been, “No.” Which makes me sort of feel like you always expect me to say, “Yes,” which makes me feel taken for granted.


My daughter’s White Coat Ceremony is set for 11/15! Of course she’s a third of the way through her second year but…Covid, of course. Better late than never! And two guests allowed, not just one, so she doesn’t have to pick between her beloved and me. Maybe I’ll even get to see the house bf is in contract to buy!


They’re falling down like toy soldiers…

Also, reading through a thread, reminded me of “Penny for the Man”. :wink:

You had your baby on August 3rd and you still haven’t given her a name? At first it was a little entertaining, now it’s ridiculous.


Our clinic, one of 17 in the company, recently reopened for 1/2 day on Friday; we closed on Fridays near the start of the pandemic as we didn’t have a Friday doctor. Now that we have a new doctor, we opened back up on Fridays last month. Somehow, no one in the company thought about turning our phones back on, instead of being forwarded to our schedulers. I usually do not work Fridays, but while at work yesterday, I realized the phone never rang. My husband mentioned he tried to call me, but could not get through.

How long will it take for someone to realize our phones are not back up? I really get a lot of work done without it ringing! I can’t decide if I should tell someone, or see how long it takes for them to figure it our :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I wish my diabetic cat with new found strength would STOP jumping up on our counter and scratching the cabinets below it in the process!!! (Bengals are jumpers and love high places. Before diabetes she spent much time above the fridge and on high cabinets. Now the young one can get up, but the diabetic has gone from not even being able to jump up on a chair to jumping counter height - a blessing and a curse).


I know you’re family, I know you lost your compass when your dear wife died way too early. But PLEASE stop calling us with your crazy COVID conspiracy theories!! When we ask you not to go there, you go there anyway, and I don’t feel bad at all when I hang up on you!!

Stop telling us you’re not one of nutjobs because you got the J&J—you only got vaccinated in order to be allowed to see your first grandchild, we know that for sure.

I try to be civil, but you can’t help yourself—stop talking like a crazy person, and I won’t have to hang up on you again1!!!


I am really tired of being the only adult in the house.


How can a grown man in a position of responsibility think it is acceptable to share something that vile?


Wow, that was kind of a cold email. My trip home at Christmas is not looking too fun. :cry:

Oh I really hope this works. This has been going on way too long and I hope he will be able to get through to her since I have not.

You were an amazing dog and you will be so missed by my parents (especially my dad). I’m so glad you are out of pain and running free over the rainbow bridge. Our family has had to say goodbye to too many of our furry loved ones this year.

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