Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Something to celebrate today:

Got my Moderna booster.
And so far, no side effects.
(But….I have planned to remain home all day and just read, hahah, just in case I end up feeling a bit bleh.)


Oops, forgot those emails. My bad. What were you saying about misinformation being a humanitarian crisis?!

It’s disheartening l to find out that at 59 years old, I still don’t have the money to properly buy good furniture for my great room.

Of course, I could also pay for a small car for the cost of said furniture


Sometimes you realize the cost of certain things isn’t worth the opportunity cost in your life.


It’s official. After a couple of tries for the last couple of years, I do not get the hype of the Hallmark channel/movies. I know people who covet them. Just a few minutes here and there watching and I want to pull my hair out!


ALSO related to media (tv, social media, radio, etc.)…do I really have to put up with holiday ads, prompts, suggested gift lists, music, etc. FOR TWO MONTHS!!! All of November and right through the new year?! I cannot…


Dude, you gave our family quite a laugh!

But I suggest you look up the Biblical story of sheep/goats in Matthew 25: 31-46 before you go spouting off to the press about how so many people are sheep, then get asked if you know the story, nod affirmatively, get asked which one you identify with, and loudly proclaim, “Well, I’m not a sheep!”


Here I am, 7 months after the biopsy. A month ago the follow up MRI didn’t show anything, so why is this showing areas of concern, and on both sides? I know that if it was something to be really worried about, they’d get me in sooner for another scan + the U/S. I really thought that once I was well beyond 10 years and headed for 15 that it was all over and done. Oh well, at least I’ll have all of the results that day and my onc is in the same building.

My husband and I are shocked at the 14.5% increase in the Part B Medicare premium for 2022, announced tonight.

Google can read my mind. I’ll start to enter a search term and it completes it for me, even when there are many options. I’m a little freaked out.


Fix that damn drawbridge!!!


Trying to shop early for Christmas. Now my email is full of requests for reviews of items that I’ve bought. Does the recipient like them? Ask again on Dec. 26


I am watching the Adele concert and yes I really did cry at the on-air proposal.


Some things are meant to be private.

I didn’t expect gratitude, and I did expect at some point to make you mad, but I am so sad and hurt and I just don’t know if I can come back for another round of “take it out on the daughter” in December. You need help , and so does he, but go ahead and rage in the dark instead.

Having a tire blow at around 80 mph is not the most enjoyable experience

This does not sound good…

Stop complaining that you can’t find the reference to the topic in the assigned book. There is a nifty thing called an Index. Do you know what an Index is? NO? :face_with_monocle:

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I’m finally sitting in the waiting room for the dentist. First time since covid (and it had been awhile before that). Sign on the door to wear a mask. Sign at the window to please wear a mask. So why am I the only one in here wearing a mask? I trust my dentist pretty well. It’s everyone else I don’t trust. Very glad I have my booster.

And ironically. It’s older S’ first day in the office ever. He’s been employed for 15 months. Lol. And I don’t think it’s permanent. Just once this week. So different

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