Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Stop egging my child on to do a full. Her support team did NOT enjoy traveling with a bike. :sunglasses:


Dear eBay, your chat service is ineffective, as is your customer service. I had two chats about “my” “account permanent suspension for activity putting the eBay community at risk.” The first time the operator told me there was no problem, so I went ahead and changed password, only to be greeted with a message that my account had been permanently suspended. The second chat the operator got downright hostile and sent some standard wording indicating I violated their terms of service, and I would not be able to reactivate that account or have another account, before signing off. THEN, I attempted to call them. They claim the line only works for fraud. Then when you want to talk about fraud, they say the number is no longer working but you can use the chat service
 talk about a runaround. MEANWHILE, I did not set up the account, but I could access it after changing the password. I can’t see what terrible thing was done.

What an arrogant, abrasive pest you are. Guess I should follow the lead of the others who wisely just ignore the baiting garbage.


Shut down posts about the football team hazing reports because posters get “too nasty”. Meanwhile, posts have been running wild and nasty for years because “free speech”. I guess the high school graduate was right when she said that only some students are considered “valuable”.


This is going to be a loooooooonnnnggg shopping project


Run a marathon and trip over your shoelace a foot from the finish line. My wife’s Mum, spent over 2 years worth of time and money to legally immigrate to the US, and finally finished the interview process a few weeks ago. Mum made one mistake in the entire 2 year process, but my wife was furious (unbeknownst to Mum). With hundreds of documents on her self, just in case any black swan question was asked out of the blue, during the US Consulate Interview, on the very last piece of US paperwork, Mum wrote her EXPIRED passport number instead of her new passport number! Doh!

I know she was just so excited she picked up the wrong passport, so I just laughed about it (again unbeknownst to her). It isn’t like she or anyone else could benefit from her own expired passport in any way, so they know it was just a mistake.

Well, it only delayed her US Visa by two weeks and her Visa should arrive any day now! She is busy looking at homes on Zillow in different US cities every day.


Why are you so pissed off at us?
You moved to Tennessee claiming that California was too too liberal for you.

You retired early at age 55, thinking that the pitiful amount in your retirement account, that you rifled throughout the years, was enough. Yes, you sold that home at a huge, advantageous profit, but you had bad credit and several mortgages to repay. Why would you purchase another home with a 30 yr mortgage instead of paying for it in cash???

You took several trips, bought new cars for everyone, including your adult children and didn’t have any health insurance.

Six months later after you had moved in, you started calling us, individually, to ask when we were moving to Tennessee. Maybe being the baby of the family spoiled you in a way where, you mistakenly assumed all of us would just leave our lives and livelihoods, in order to make you feel better about where you moved.

Now you’re angry with all of us because your children want to move back to California, and want a little help, staying here and there, with us. You’re angry at us because we all saved frugally and all own our homes and have decent retirement plans. You’re angry with us because you’ve assumed that we’ve influenced our elderly mother, whom you have pestered, cajoled, begged and tried to convince her to move to Tennessee so that she will help to support you! She knows you too well!
Both of you have had to take part time jobs because you still don’t have medical insurance and you still can’t make your payments. You have the nerve to be angry with us because you moved to Tennessee. Grow a pair and take responsibility for your decisions.


Lots of first world problems sometimes feel like “real” problems.



MODERATOR’S NOTE: Please, no references to today’s court decision. I deleted several posts.

We closed the cabin on Wednesday and headed down to Georgia to spend Thanksgiving with our son and his GF. We arrived early PM yesterday and hugged (and hugged) and laughed and talked into the wee hours. I’m sitting on his couch enjoying my coffee this morning while the house sleeps feeling wrapped in love and so very thankful for this small family. The holiday is already here.


We are having a year end review meeting with our investment team. We will also look at our priorities/projects for 2022. We haven’t seen each other often (a couple times since 2020) so having this meeting IN PERSON is kind of important!

Yet when you find out the lunch delivery isn’t from one of your lunch spots, you decide to listen in remotely? Seriously? This coming from a 25+ entitled analyst who is the first to complain about work-life balance. Just suck it up and eat the freaking sandwich!



Okay peeps
if you are going to get a dog
take just a few minutes and expend a few brain cycles on the following:

  1. How big, strong and determined is this type of dog.
  2. Look in the mirror
  3. How big, strong and determined are YOU.

If you weigh 100 lbs soaking wet - it doesn’t matter if that breed is known as gentle giants. If you can not control that giant - and it is dragging you in it’s wake - it just might NOT be the dog for you.


I wish I understood the point of sending me a text message saying to check email, and you will call in 10 minutes. Go to check email and there is a one sentence about a television show. Could you not have put that one line in the text, or saved all for the phone call? :thinking:

People can be good. Today my daughter got injured crossing the street in a major city (I was with her, it was a bizarre mishap, and she is fine). The person responsible was an idiot who caused the problem and drove away. However, a stranger stopped and helped, he was an EMT, he ran to a restaurant and got her ice, then talked to her and assessed her condition in a very calm way. A cabbie driving by stopped and offered her water and a free ride to wherever she needed to get help. Somebody actually called 911 on her behalf and requested an ambulance. The ambulance came and found us (we were not exactly at the spot of the incident) and checked that she was OK and didn’t need their assistance. Several good Samaritans all ready to help.


I will not bring it up. I will not bring it up. I will not bring it up.


Ugh, my son is stressed because his psychiatrist is not responding to a request for an important med refill and he’s playing phone tag with his case manager, who said it’s important for them to talk but then is not responding to his latest texts. So I guess I will get involved.

Earlier in the week, my daughter texted me. She was at work and told me not to freak out, but a mailroom guy had come buy and told her to shelter in place because someone had made threats against the company and was on the premises. There was no lock on her room door and she hadn’t blocked it. DH called the police immediately. They contacted her directly and said the threat had been resolved - they removed the unarmed guy. Everybody just forgot to tell my daughter!!

Then last night DH was playing with our dog, who chomped down badly on DH’s finger when they were both going for a toy. DH was in the ER most of the night. I was asleep when he returned. Now HE’S asleep, so I’m not sure how it turned out.

I hope you are happy, dear nephew. I worry that you are once again being railroaded into a life choice that others want FOR you. But you are in your 30’s,and you will have to own the life you have. I really do hope this latest choice brings you happiness.


It just makes me so sad. You deserve so much better.