Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Prayers for those affected in Waukesha :cry: :broken_heart:


Thank God for HEB and Texas!


You go my ā€˜roll buster! :sunglasses: Go get ā€˜em losers. Science :dna: will win.

Every time I see a Chance Me refer to the tri-state area I wonder is that NY Metro? Chicagoland? Or a reference to Phineas and Ferb??? :woman_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:


She was in the meeting Fridayand he tested positive on Monday but you can only be tested today because the testing center closes tomorrow and the rest of your siblings arrive in 36 hrs and no I canā€™t guarantee squat except that I am about to have too much food and whywhywhywhywhy is everything so vague now. @#$%!

Another talk with my favorite former coworker today. This Thanksgiving, I am grateful to have had the option to leave that employer. My tolerance for bs was never great, but it is now nonexistent. Glad to not have to deal with that hot mess anymore!


I donā€™t feel safe in places where I used to feel safe. Armed robberies at Nordstrom. Home break-ins. Disturbed people in the grocery store. I donā€™t like feeling this way.


When we normalize and/or explain away types of behavior that used to be considered deviant, illegal or plain ā€˜badā€™ā€¦what could possibly go wrongā€¦


MR. Hyde is a real jerk

UGH entire Covid we havenā€™t had a single scare. Now hours before my daughter is supposed to board a train to visit for Thanksgiving her boss tells his staff that he was exposed to somebody who tested positive.

Amazon- all you had to do is transport my package 70 miles for delivery- but, instead you ship it 550 miles away. :frowning:

Please spend one-on-one time with your adult married daughter who doesnā€™t have kids yet. I donā€™t think you can see how much you favor your kids that have kids and how everything revolves around the grands now.


Please donā€™t ask me questions like ā€œdoes this smell funnyā€.

Letā€™s just assume it does.


I will never, ever watch any prime time programming on CBS again. And if anyone still watches the program ā€œBullā€, shame on you.


Iā€™m in the land of no cell phone signal for Google Fi. I canā€™t call out. Friends/family canā€™t reach me via phone calling in.

So WHY in the world can spammers still connect wanting to know if I want to talk about my Medicare policy (hint, Iā€™m not old enough yet) and my car insurance? What system do they have that overrides all of us normal people? Itā€™s irritating. I either want peace and quiet or to talk with those I enjoy talking with.


I am so, so, so excited that you passed all of your pre-employment screening and youā€™ll be working in December. Itā€™s been a long road to this point and I couldnā€™t be prouder.

H, I gave you a list of several specific items (ugh) and one idea for a somewhat nebulous thing - something you could work with and maybe, just maybe, make it your own. So you try to get specific about it. Find something new, get what I have resized, build on what I have - youā€™re smartā€¦go for it. (Yeah, yeah. Go ahead and get that for yourself. We can afford it. Think though, on what might be nice for you to get me. I never spend that kind of $$ on myself.)

(Although, a trip to Paris to buy the pan in that store that I didnā€™t get because it was too heavy wouldnā€™t be a problem, either :smiley:)

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Windows 11?! Already?! Microsoft - you are worse than Covid!!! Iā€™m so tired of your neverending Windows mutations.


I have been to the store 17 times in the last few days, and at 7:30 tonight my mother says, ā€œIā€™m not sure I have enough bread for the stuffing.ā€ Yes, that would be for the stuffing that is to be made at 7 tomorrow morning to go into the turkey, that is to go into the oven before I leave for the Turkey Trot at 8 am. Yes, this is after I specifically ASKED all week if she had everything and named the items she was responsible for and asked if she wanted me to buy stuffing cubes.


What?! The Lions are winning? :flushed: Well, itā€™s early yet.

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Phew! Thatā€™s more like it.