Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

These initial tests don’t indicate good things. I refuse to let go of Hope though. I need you here. I can’t be an in-law in this family without you. We out-laws need to stick together.


I’m chairperson of an educational advisory group that meets annually. The director sends a letter that we are meeting in person in 2 weeks for dinner (75 people, includes other advisory groups) in the small cafeteria, then adjourning for our individual group meetings. This is Michigan, our cases are skyrocketing, vaccinations are under 60 %. I declined the dinner, iffy for the meeting unless everyone is masked, and the response is “we feel safe, our room is cleaned daily”.

A patient died this week, several have been hospitalized for weeks, many have chronic long haul side effects. Our hospital is full, people are being turned away, surgeries cancelled. A large in-person meeting with people I don’t know well is just too risky. Zoom is the answer.


World Pet Games! Finally, there’s some TV program worth watching! :cat: :dog: :lizard: :horse: :pig:


Stock market plunge expected today due to discovery of new Covid strain in South Africa.

Optimists may view it as a “black Friday stock market discount”.

Random daydream type thought:

What if a top 10 private university sold condos on site which came with guaranteed admission for one to that school ? Might create some bidding wars.

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It’s official, I have declined the 40 person end of the year black-tie dinner at work (I’m still co-organizing as I have for the last 7 years). I’m simply not comfortable socializing with 40 people in one space right now. Interestingly they are still doing the end of year meeting…on zoom.


My friend’s D was at work today & the President came into the store. She is getting married very soon, and he heard about it while there … he wished her a happy wedding. How cool!


She said “yes”! :dress:


Hey, you are the one who chose to move 13+ hours away. Your S has stayed where you moved him when he was in high school. Don’t blame us for not being there on holidays. It’s not like you ever once came to see us on a holiday. You chose to be near your D … so it’s not like you are alone.


Well, how could you have possibly known that piece of info about what is going on? Why are you acting indignant about it? If you’d ask about others rather than constantly talking about yourself, I would have told you.

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Placed Amazon order last Tuesday evening for 7 reasonably small items. Have gotten or am getting them in 6 different boxes. Ridiculous!!!


I spent the morning helping my 29-year-old son clean his bedroom in his apartment. It was a disaster. He’s just not capable of taking care of things. I cried a little on the way home. At least he’s appreciative when I help him.

GO BLUE! A joyous day in Ann Arbor.


Somebody’s defense was exposed today.


Auburn, why did you have to choke?


Roll Tide! Not pretty but still a win. Not looking forward to Georgia next week.

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Go Dawgs!!! :heart::black_heart::heart::black_heart:


This obsession y’all have with getting engaged quickly puzzles me. And responding, “After all, she’s already x years old” is even more baffling. I have been a woman for more than 6 decades, and I wasn’t aware that we had an expiration date.


To deactivate “do not disturb” on iPhone with my mom remotely (all in Chinese)
Me: ma, go to Setting, tap on it
Ma: what do you mean tap, is it a push
Me: yes, just push it
Ma: ok I pushed
Me: do you see Focus
Ma: let me look, how many lines down? Oh I see it now.
Me: now you push on it (figured out tap doesn’t translate)
Ma: I pushed.
Me: do you see the do not disturb line?
Ma: yes, it’s on the first line
Me: ok, now go to right of the line and turn it off
Ma: what do you mean to turn it off
Me: do you see a circle? If it is green then just move it so it is grey
Ma: how do you move it?
Me: just swipe it to you left
Ma: I only know how to push, how do you swipe, is it the phone’s left or my left.