Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Dealing with death at anytime is hard. Around the holidays makes it harder even when it’s a normal passing of life for someone who is 90 and not in great health. Feel free to cry, H. You were close to her your whole life until Alzheimer’s ripped her away. It means you’re normal, and human. I wouldn’t want you any other way. May your Aunt RIP.

Don’t apologize. There’s nothing to apologize for. We all know that and schedules can change. You’d do it without a thought if it were for anyone on my side of the family. I can do it too.

And yes, you and I agree. It’s a great reminder to seize the day because we never know what tomorrow will bring.


I am new to CC with my first graduating HS in May. I am amazed at the number of parents who are stressed about their child with 1500 SAT’s and 4.5 GPA’s getting in to their college of choice.

Relax folks. If your kid has those kind of stats they obviously have their stuff together and will succeed wherever they end up.


‘How worrying is the new variant?’ I read this title on the BBC and thought it was mental health comment- how WORRYING is the new variant- rather than -how worrying is the NEW VARIANT…


So she “found” the ring in his drawer, put it on, came out of the room & announced that it fits. Oh, and by the way, yes. Uhhhh … I can’t believe you think this is awesome for him.

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Ugh, I really don’t want to go on the trip this weekend. Like utterly dreading it. I wish Omicron would just cancel it for me.

First world problems

Ordered two new iPhones, picked the colors they said could ship immediately. But the receipt said November 30-December 14. Checked today, ship date December 14.

My phone is dying. My husband had to get a temporary phone that is terrible. Can’t we just get our new phones!


I buy a wireless charger for my not here yet new iPhones. On Friday from Amazon. Today it’s cheaper. I use the chat option and ask for a price adjustment. Amazon doesn’t do price adjustments but I can return and reorder. I say fine, I’m on chat after all. Great I’ll return.

I try and reorder the charger, apparently you can only order one and I’ve already ordered one. That I’m returning. :woman_facepalming:

Canceled the return

How come the problems I need to have solved are never the ones in the FAQs or that are simple to explain on a chat. Most could be solved by a 1-2 minutes conversation with someone knowledgeable but it requires an immense amount of time and energy to find the number let alone actually get to talk to a person. Technology is great when it works but when it doesn’t life is so much more difficult. GRRRR!


You can’t pay us with a check because it’s too inconvenient? But you say I can come to your house, a good distance away, to pick up one?? I guess you don’t have a mailbox.

Just don’t be stupid like the last client who paid electronically and use the wrong PayPal address for us. I was on the phone 30 minutes helping that guy straighten out his mistake. Love that “convenience.” :rage:

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Congratulations, Elle Smith! You are a great ambassador for our state, the University of Kentucky, and your platform. Best of luck at Miss Universe!


She has, “earned” everything? I’m not sure you understand that concept.

No!!! Not another school shooting, and this one close to home. My friend’s S goes to school there, and thankfully he is okay. But 4-6 other young people are not. So horrible.

Okay, universe - ENOUGH!!! A 35 year old with some hip and back pain is told he needs to wait 6 weeks for MRI. ‘Luckily’ he has friends in the ‘business’. He gets in, they find a rare form of cancer everywhere.

Thirty year old friend of DD - complains of symptoms for a year. Told…well, you had 3 kids in 5 years…what do you expect. Finally gets someone to listen…diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension.

And now…the person that’s done our taxes for years…drops of a heart attack. Not old, not sick.

To heck with COVID…the regular stuff is killing my people.

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Nope…the universe isn’t listening…

A friends marriage … of 37 years…is breaking up…

I think I will put a pillow case over my head and crawl into the closet with the cat.

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I am SO done with these past few months and all the heartache and health issues that have popped up for so many that I love.

Please no more suffering…



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There are plenty of colonoscopy appointments available for January 3rd…. I wonder why… :face_with_monocle: :rofl:


Just divorce him. Your kids can cope better without protecting you from him. he doesn’t want to get help,he doesn’t want to be married, you won’t win by refusing to be pushed into court. My heart breaks for you, but he’s a drunk who likes it that way. You deserve to walk away from it.